
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Good Night, Good Luck Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Good Night, Good Luck - Essay Example The movie covers the conflict between Murrow and McCarthy and the Sub –committee on investigation. Murrow considers the character of McCarthy as careless and criticizes his actions since he exploits the public (Nitzsche, 2007). The main aim of Murrow is to enlighten the public, and he works tirelessly with his staff in the CBS newsroom. The staff is very supportive and they back his up this delicate mission. They rebel to the sponsorships pressures, and they expose the lies and fear mongering techniques that McCarthy uses. A public argument develops when the senator accuses the Anchor of being a communist. A fear filled atmosphere is filled in the newsroom, but the crew carries on with their tenacity on the issue. The media house decides to show the real character of McCarthy by airing a story on a navy pilot who was a security risk the USA. The Navy pilot named Milo was a security risk since his father had attended meetings that were related acts of communism. Radulovich was asked to denounce his family but could not and he was charged guilty even without there being a trial (Nitzsche, 2007). The story was controversial since it created a bad image for CBS, and it created a risk of advertisers not paying on stands against the senator. The media house however moves the show to a non-popular night to minimize the controversy and protect their image. Murray is however not stopped since he has to prove his accusations o the senator. He had an idea that the Air force was wrong in the way they imprisoned Radulovich an act that had not been brought to the public. Murrow was determined to expose the senator’s secretive and atheistic nature. McCarthy, on the other hand, was determined to stamp out communism. McCarthy accuses innocent people of being traitors without providing any evidence. The movie documents cases of Milo and Lee

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jargon Usage in Intervention Essay Example for Free

Jargon Usage in Intervention Essay The independent variables in the study are the intervention description (jargon vs. no jargon) and group (teachers vs. undergraduate), while the dependent variable was their scores in the Treatment Evaluation Inventory (TEI; Kazdin, 1980a). The case used in this study was about a boy named Michael who has a habit of leaning back in his chair and unfortunately experience hurting himself due to accidental falling for several times The subject of this study took the test in their respective classes. The researcher explains to them briefly the objective of the research. The test kits were distributed to them, they read the direction and completed a profile sheet; TEI was used to rate the intervention. The test takes 15 minutes to finish. The scores of the test were examined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent t test. Based on the result, there were significant differences between the teachers and students’ overall acceptability rating. The teachers rated the jargon description of time-out as significantly more acceptable than the no jargon description, while the result of the test of the undergraduates revealed that there were no significant differences between the jargons versus the no jargon intervention description The result of this result thus contradicted some of the former researchers. Some of them were as follows: 1. Significant higher ratings of teachers for the jargon versus non jargon. It was mentioned in the review some former researchers from Hall Didier, Kazdin and Cole, and Watt et. al. (as cited in Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) regarding the difficulty and negative influence encountered by third party (parents, teachers and ward personnel) in using jargon intervention description. Outcome of this research was reverse because the teachers favor more using jargons and it has positive influence on them. 2. No difference in judgment between low experienced teachers and high experience teachers. The difference between the result of the test and the research of Witt and company (as cited in Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) and the researcher said that this maybe due to the difference in the method they use in treating the variables understudy. Other result of the test revealed that: 3. For undergraduates on this study – they have found out that jargon versus no jargon description in intevention is not an issue for the undergraduates. It doe not matter to them whether which of the two approach is use in the intervention description. The acceptability ratings also revealed that both upperclassmen and underclassmen favored both intervention descriptions. It also revealed that they respect the intervention description whether it uses technical or non-technical language and the outcome of the intevention is still the same for their opinion. The researchers of these study pointed out that their research has its limitations that might one way or the other affect the result of the test and they were as follows: 1. Generalizability to classroom interventions other that time-out (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 2. Jargons other than behavioral (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 3. Teachers not seeking additional educational past the bachelor’s degree. (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) 4. Relative Effect of jargons versus other variables like teachers time expenditure, theoretical orientation and intervention agent on intervention acceptance (Hyatt, Tingstrom Edwards, 1991) The researchers recommended further additional studies to support this study. The use of variables is recommended a. Regular and special education teachers in school setting b. Jargon’s influence on acceptability to a behavioral assessment c. Design, evaluation and acceptance of behavioral intervention for Children. References Hall, C. W. , Didier E. (1987) Acceptability and Behavioral Treatment: Review of Variables that influence treatment selection. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. In Hyatt, S. P, Tingstrom, D. H, and Edwards, R (1991) Jargon Usage in Intervention During Consultation: Demonstration of a Facilitative Effect. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2(1) 49-56

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Acts of Racism In The 20th Century Essay -- essays research papers

The Act’s of Racism In The 20th Century   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou were very well known authors of the early 20th century. Most of their writings were concerned with racism and equality. During that time period there was much evidence that African Americans had been treated unfairly, unjustly, and as if they had been beneath the whites. Segregation of schools, churches, bathrooms, and stores were only a few of the many things wrong with this ere. Racism was very apparent in the two short stories â€Å"Graduation† and â€Å"One Friday Morning†. In one of these, a young girl is put down because of the color of her skin, and in the other, a whole class and audience were made to feel lower than they should have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Langston Hughes short story â€Å"One Friday Morning† a young girl by the name of Nancy Lee was denied an art scholarship because of the color of her skin. When she first learned that she was going to receive a reward for one of her pictures, she became very excited as any young girl her age would have been. Her vice principal Miss O’Shay was also very excited for her. She wanted Nancy to speak at a ceremony in honor of this art scholarship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Friday morning came, and what was thought to be an adventurous day filled with lots a happiness, turned out to be the exact opposite for Nancy Lee. Just before she was about to give her speech in front of the whole school for what she had accomplish...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American Racial Discriminations against Middle Easterners and the effect it has on Middle Easterners since 911

â€Å"Middle Easterns† is not just a race residing in several countries around the world; it has evolved to depict different semantic meanings as to the term of people born in the Middle Eastern culture and way of life. (Wikipedia) The Middle East is composed of countries in the territory of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Palestine (now Israel), Jordan, Egypt, The Sudan, Libya, and several states belonging to the state of Arabia (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates).Geographically characterizing Middle Eastern communities, it has enlarged over the years to include three other countries in the North Africa region which is Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco with associated foreign policies. The Middle East is a territory that is surrounded by the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. (Wikipedia) Middle Eastern is a modern term coined by Americans for Arabs and for people who reside in the region of the Middle East.These are Semitic people speaking the Arabic language and are generally not specified to particular residency in the Middle East. The distinction of Arabs must be clearly defined as the common perception of Arabs is that they are Muslims. Not all Arabs are Muslims, and not all Muslims are Arabs. Arabs are considered by the short lived Arabian league to be those of Arabic descent and speaking the Arabic Language. They must have originated from an Arabic country and strictly follow the rules and tenets of Arabic culture. (â€Å"Poll: Majority of US Muslims suffered post September 11 bias†, 2002)The paper will discuss the implications of the perception on Middle Easterns and the changes after the September 11 attacks in the United States. In this exposition, discrimination against Middle eastern will be evaluated and the extent to which it happened after the 9/11 attacks. The study shows what life was for Middle Eastern s before the attacks, and what they had to experience after. The study will not only focus on discrimination against Middle Easterns but also to discrimination per se on people belonging to different races.Discrimination happens due to decisive factors which differentiates one person belonging to a race from another. It is a way to make clear distinctions and act towards another person based on prejudice. It can happen through in three different ways; either base on their appearance, language, and religion. MIDDLE EASTERN DISCRIMINATION The society will more likely discriminate an individual because of what he looks like. Visual discrimination is the easiest way to discriminate someone. This is because appearance is readily available for a person to judge on especially when people base their perception on skin pigmentation.Even on how a person dresses constitutes formation of prejudices against them. Difference in religion also contributes to discrimination, not just the religion Is lam, but also other religious orientations as well. Religious discrimination is a one rampant occurrence after the 9/11 attacks. This is acting of ones bigotry against persons’ beliefs, rituals and customs in the particular religion he holds. Finally, the distinction between the different languages people speaks also accounts for discrimination to happen. Differences in language or in accent can generate misunderstanding among people.Discrimination is carried through many ways an(â€Å"DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE REVIEW†)d forms. Middle Easterns are not just the ones affected by this act of prejudice, but all those other nationalities perceived as different. The stereotypes that greatly motivate discrimination can be attributed to how the American media portrays people. The media has adverse perpetuations in people who are different from the Americans. The American media affects how the people perceive Middle Easterns, whether physically, by religion or with language.Discrimination takes on different forms and is carried out to unlimited extent, from hate crimes to employment discriminations. (â€Å"DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE REVIEW†) DISCRIMINATION BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11 2001 Discrimination against people with Middle East cultures is known even before the 9/11 event. But this had escalated dramatically over the years, particularly after the 9/11 attacks. They have been the subject of hate crimes, assaults and harassments due to their difference in color, race and religion.The perception of Arabs as terrorist is believed to have started in 1973 with the Arab- Israeli war and oil-embargo. The Iran hostage crisis in 1979, the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 in 1985 and the beginning of the Persian Gulf crisis added to the hostility of the American society against the Middle East culture. Prior to 911, Middle eastern were already a subject of contempt and distrust. Their portrayal in mainstream media as either lying vi llains or evil warlords has vilified their image to the American public. Fictional books, particularly after 1973 exhort American and Israeli courage under the face of their Arab oppressors.Middle Easterns were tagged as terrorists due to the perception that they are oppressors in their war against Israel. The American interest over Israel had contributed to the terrorist perception it generated. Even cartoons, like Aladdin imprint in American children the image of those coming from the middle east as liars and villains. (EEC, 2002) Before, little was known about the world that middle Easterns came from. The only feedback that the general public had was when the media reports that another terrorist attack has been perpetrated by Arab terrorists, or another take on the deemed inequalities in their culture and religion.In particular, Anti Arab sentiments have already taken hold before 911, due to the perception that these middle easterns are the oppressors in their war against Israel. The American interests in Israel have led them to promote the state at the same time portraying Muslims and the Arab world as oppressors and terrorists. Each terrorist attack by the Muslim world was broadcasted with the effect of making them the new pariahs of the world. The media and the government were very instrumental in defacing the image of middle easterns. And these acts further intensified after the tragedy that occurred on September 11 2001.THE TRAGEDY ON SEPTEMBER 11 2001 The September 11, 2001 attacks often referred to as just 911 was composed of a series of terrorist suicide attacks against the United States of America. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists whose were purportedly with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization hijacked four commercial passenger airplanes. The hijackers took control of the aircraft using small knives to scare and immobilize the passenger and crew. Two of the planes (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) were crashed in the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.In Arlington County, Virginia a third airplane (American Airlines Flight 77) was crashed into the United States Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense. The fourth airplane crashed into a field adjacent to the town of Shanksville in Pennsylvania. The plane did not reach its reported desired objective of crashing into the U. S. Capitol due to the attempt of some passengers and crew members to regain control of the plane. In addition to the19 hijackers, 2,973 people died; another 24 are missing and presumed dead. (Wikipedia) DISCRIMINATION AFTR SEPTEMBER 11Nine days after the terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush declared to the nation that â€Å"no one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith. † His words were a little too late and apparently ineffective. After 911, there have been a large number of r eported incidents of discrimination against Middle Eastern people in the United States. Security checks in airports were tightened and Middle Eastern personas well as persons perceived to be Middle Eastern were unjustly subject to more stringent security measures.(CNN, 2001) In the three days that succeeded the 911 terrorist attacks, CNN reported that at least 300 reports of Middle Eastern being harassed and abused were received by the Council on American-Islamic relations. This number tripled the amount of received reports in the year before September 11. The most common complaints were people yelling verbal abuse like â€Å"Get out of our country! Go back to your own†, as well as the calling of insulting names like Arab dogs, whores, and other vile monikers. (CNN, 2001)The FBI also reported an increase in Muslim crimes in the US in the year 2001. The US government is also said to have detained about 1200 Middle Eastern and South Asians with the assumptions that they are ass ociated with the terrorists. A report on the study by the Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIR) released in September 18 2005, showed an increase of more than 30% of discrimination, harassment and violations complaints against Muslim. The CAIR, the country’s largest Muslim organization had evaluated the implications of the 9/11 attacks to the Muslim community.Such incidents of discrimination, harassments and violation complaints were reported to be 1, 972 in 2005, more than what is reported in the previous year. The organization concluded the report as the highest statistic since it started doing reports on anti-Muslim activities in 1995. The organization began its yearly reporting of crime incidents towards Muslim in the year 1995 after the Oklahoma bombing. The bombing of the federal government building in Oklahoma, pointed by the mass media to have done by Arab radicals, triggered the anti-Muslim perception of the people and as a result tagged the Muslim community as villains of peace.The year 2005 reported 153 cases of anti-Muslim hate crimes and marked a 10% increase of hate crimes over the year 2004, and a dramatic 50% increase from the year 2003. Hate crimes are acts of discrimination against persons belonging to a certain race, culture or religion. (cite source) These crimes involve murder, attacks on religious institutions, shootings, vehicular assaults and verbal threats against the person. This become evident after the 9/11 attacks as the whole Muslim community were scrutinized for their involvement with the attacks.(â€Å"Class action lawsuit filed against the US government†, 2002) There were several hate crimes reported after the 9/11 attacks. Balbir Singh Sodhi in Mesa Arizona, associated with a different religion from Islam, was killed with no reason at all. It has been reported that the reason for his death was just mere association with terrorist, particularly the assumption that he looks the same as the terrorist therefo re he too is a terrorist. There has been similar incidents like what happened to Sodhi after the 9/11 attacks. In Dallas Texas, Waqar Hassan was shot to death in his own convenience store.The 46 year old Pakistani was apparently mistaken for an Arab following the 911 tragedy. His murderer, Mark Stroman, was also found guilty of killing another man, Vasudev Patel, with the same motive. (BH. , 2002) Murders without regard to affiliation, actual race and citizenship were committed after the Sept 11 attack. The list includes Adel Caras a Coptic Christian who originated from Egypt, American citizens Amil Almansoop and Jawed Wassel and Abdo Ali Ahmed among others. It would seem that the pain of the tragedy of 911 was enough reason for the murderers to perform their act.The aftermath showed that some people felt it was ok to target Middle Easterners and even people who look like them either as revenge or just as an object to vent their rage. Most murderers did not even attempt to camouflag e their act. Marks Stroman was rumored to have bragged that he just that did what every American wanted to do but didn’t have the nerve. After 911, the amount of reports of employment discrimination against Middle Easterns showed an increase. In a report of the US Equal Employment Commission in May 2002, they showed that 488 complaints were received regarding post 911 employment discrimination.Additionally, 301 of those reports were about Middle Easterns being forced out of employment. Numerous reports also abound of people ostracizing Middle Eastern co workers in the office. The united states government also aided in portraying the Middle Easterns as having direct links to terrorists. After the September 11 tragedy, the United States detained 1200 people. These were of Middle East and South Asian descent, further fueling the perception that the Arabs and the Muslims had something to do with the September 11 attacks. What’s more troubling is that in Sept. 17, 2001, int erim regulation issued by the U. S.Department of Justice allowing detention without charge for at least 48 hours in emergency situations. This regulation was used in great effect in detaining those of Middle Eastern origin. The rule was invoked in the immigration of Middle Easterns following the attack. About 763 individuals were detained and about half of them were deported. Jorge Martinez of the United States Department of Justice explains that they did not single out Arabs, they were simply following up on leads and clues. However, the proceedings regarding these immigration cases are shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Identities and charges were not officially released.According to the Justice Department, this is simply to protect the privacy of the proceedings as well as the persons involved. Most of the information that were obtained showed that those detained were held on minor visa violations and on other terrorist unrelated criminal charges. The immigration judges presiding in the trials were allowed to hold their court proceedings in secret. The release of some detainees accompanied the news that rough treatment and solitary confinement were being used in these persons. (HRW, 2003) The effect of the attacks on Middle eastern communities across the country is even more troubling.Fear and paranoia has changed the way of life that these people were accustomed to. The numerous reports of physical injury and verbal abuse against Middle Easterns have induced some to refrain from showing signs of their ethnicity. The wearing of scarves and other telltale signs of their culture has made them visible targets to public contempt and most were not willing to undergo the risk that that entails. Withdrawal from civic life also came as a result of the 911 attacks. Middle Easterns stayed at their homes, and went out only when necessary due to fear of being a recipient of abuse.Muslim communities avoid congregating in order not to be subject to suspicion by others. Middl e eastern children were ostracized in their schools, most were bullied, called names and physically assaulted. (HRW, 2003) Prior to the 911 attacks, Muslim Middle Eastern families gave generously to charities and fundraisers. This is in accordance to the practice of zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam. However, the U. S government had a crack down on Muslim charities and charity benefactors, saying that they were a front for fundraising by terrorist organizations.In Chicago, two local Muslim charities, the Global Relief Foundation and Benevolence International Foundation, were investigated and shut down due to alleged terrorist links. A wave of paranoia has been sweeping Middle Eastern communities since the 911 attacks. Reports of the government’s methods in obtaining intelligence information from these communities have resulted in a feeling of fear and dread among individuals. Many has reported having been followed, eavesdropped upon, and watched. Federal agents have bee n known to search Middle Eastern residence without due notification or even the necessary warrants.Questioning by these agents without regards to the rights of the individual has made Middle Easterns wary and afraid. Reports of new faces in Mosques and in internal gatherings have made many wary. Islam is a religion based on tolerance and love. Because of this, Middle Easterns which have grown in this culture silently suffer the indignities and abuse being shown to them. However, a new generation of middle easterns, those who have grown in American soil, are rising up and asserting their rights as individuals and as Americans. Communities have begun to band together and combat the discrimination against them.Groups like The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the Alliance of Iranian Americans (AIA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the National Council of Pakistani Americans (NCPA) have provided a voice to those victim to racial discrimination. The y have acted by providing data, reports, denouncing claims and by filing suits against the perpetrators. But to some this is not enough. Many young middle easterns who have experienced this discrimination have talked about fighting back. CONCLUSION Discrimination against a particular people, religion or culture is a widespread occurrence even in these times.Discrimination comes in many forms. The Middle Eastern people have suffered discrimination on American soil before and after the September 11 attacks. Prior to 911 they have endured verbal abuse, harassment, racial profiling and even hate crimes. And after the tragedy, they suffered and are still suffering much more of these. They have been treated with distrust, unearned hate and contempt. Their rights have been trampled on and their liberties taken away from them. They have known fear and paranoia. And most have resolved to be victims no longer and fight back. The September 11 attacks struck a painful blow to the American natio n.The wounds of the victims and survivors are now healing. But the wound that its effects have wrought on the Middle Easterns in America still bleeds. References BH. (2002). 9/11 Fuels Anti-Arab Crime. Boston Herald. Class action lawsuit filed against the US government. ( 2002). Retrieved October 23, 2006, from http://www. adc. org/index. php? id=1540 CNN. (2001). Hate crime reports up in wake of terrorist attacks. Retrieved October 24, 2006, from http://www. cnn. com/2001/US/09/16/gen. hate. crimes DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE REVIEW. from http://www. d. umn. edu/~lbelote/srseminar/mideast/PAPER4.HTM EEC. (2002). EEOC Provides Answers About the Workplace Rights of Muslims, Arabs, South Asians, and Sikhs. Retrieved October 24, 2006 from http://www. eeoc. gov/press/5-15-02. html HRW. (2003). We Are Not the Enemy. Human Rights Watch: A Journa, l(14(6)), 1-39. Poll: Majority of US Muslims suffered post September 11 bias. (2002). Retrieved October 24, 2006 from http://www. cairnet. org/asp/article. asp? articleid=895$articletype=3 Wikipedia. September 11, 2001 attacks. Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/September_11,_2001_Terrorist_Attack#_note-CBS

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Didion “In Bed” Thoughtful Analysis

Her ethos is her personal experience with the subject as demonstrated in the first paragraph: â€Å"Almost every day of every month, between these attacks, I feel the sudden irrational irritation and the flush of blood into the cerebral arteries which tell me that migraine is on its way, and I take certain drugs to avert its arrival. † She uses exact medical terms such as â€Å"Methodologies,† â€Å"lysergic acid,† and â€Å"synthesized L SD-25† to demonstrate her knowledge and research on the subject. 3. ) Make observations about the remarkable language use in the first paragraph.Here are a few to get you started, but add a few of your own: â€Å"unconscious with pain,† â€Å"shameful secret,† â€Å"chemical inferiority. † What does each of these phrases do for the passage? Doing is showing what the majority of people think of migraines by using these words. Most people don't understand that it is more than a headache, but people thin k those who suffer from migraines are weak and that it's something they do to themselves due to â€Å"bad attitudes, unpleasant tempers, [and] wrongdoing. † Doing sort of mocks the general preconceived attitude towards her affliction. . ) What is the intended effect of the parallel structure at the end of the second paragraph? What type of appeal is this? Be specific. Doing utilizes the parallel Truckee to provide specific examples of her struggles with migraines. Doing uses logic to contradicts her statement the when she said â€Å"nothing wrong with me at all: I simply had migraine headaches, and migraine headaches were, as everyone who did not have them knew, imaginary' and then uses the parallel structure to show that migraines are an issue. 5. ) What is the purpose of including Jefferson and Grant?What about the lengthy paragraph on medical treatments? Jefferson and Grant weren't weak people who were likely to complain about a â€Å"headache. It's not just a disease th at affects weak personality types, so the two men lend credibility to the issue of migraine. The paragraph on medical treatments demonstrates her knowledge of the issue. The medical paragraph lends credibility to Doing, but it also shows that there is no easy cure for migraine; one of the drugs is even a derivative LSI showing that it's a pretty intense treatment. . ) Comment on the importance of the phrase â€Å"ambiguous blessing. † The blessing is arguable because in the midst of a migraine, the individual suffering the attack would rather die than eave to suffer, but after the attack is over they're glad they survived. 7. ) Find a logic fallacy in the first full paragraph on the back (HINT: Doing herself is not culpable Of the offense). What is it, and how does it strengthen her argument? The doctor makes an assumption about her condition based on her appearance, specifically her messy hair.He assumes she must be a compulsive housekeeper because her hair is messy and that all patients with her condition have a specific personality, and he tries to find a way to file her within that personality type. 8. Throughout the essay, why does she refer to it as â€Å"migraine† and not â€Å"migraines'? Doing is trying to express the seriousness of migraines by stating it by its medical term, much like we call cancer cancer and diabetes diabetes. 9. ) What do you think is the purpose of the final paragraph?Its purpose is to show that she's found a silver lining in the pain of a migraine. The migraine is brought on by the small stresses of her everyday life, and every anxiety she has is magnified by the migraine before the pain, but then the pain comes and she has to focus all of her energy on that singular pain. When the pain passes, all of her problems are no longer real problems. The migraine is now a kind of therapy. It brings her life into perspective and while it's violent in its execution, its still a form of meditation. 0. ) How does she create empathy in the essay? Dingo's personal experiences bring out the pathos in the passage. Her suffering and struggles are empathic by the reader because Doing is so descriptive of her own experiences with migraines; she makes the reader feel and understand what she is feeling during a migraine. 11. Using Doing to justify your response, explain why a balance of pathos, ethos, and logos creates the most effective arguments.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Communisn versus Democracy essays

Communisn versus Democracy essays Communism is an original system of society, quite different from Democracy in many ways. While total democracy is not widely spread, many forms of it are prosperous throughout the world today. One of the first and major differences between a Communist and Democratic government is their contrary economic systems. In a communist government, the community owns the major resources and means of production. The goal of such a system is to prevent any one person or group of people from becoming radically rich, while others are extremely poor. The system attempts to eliminate lower class by balancing the wealth between rich and poor, therefore giving everyone equal pay and ownership. Unfortunately, this results in an increased lower class. However, in a Democracy, free enterprising is permitted, and smiled upon. Here, free enterprising helps the economy to flourish. People can organize their own businesses and receive their own profits if it succeeds, or debts if it fails. In this system, the harder a person works, the more money they receive, allowing them to make ends meet. The downside to democracy is that people can get a high paying job through education, but may work just as hard at a lower paying job and receive less money. As Winston Churchill once said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Generally, Democracys seem be more successful economically. In a democracy, money is the most dominant incentive. On the contrary, in a communist government, a person can work a million times harder than the person sitting next to him, and receive equal pay. This results in no incentive on the part of the worker whatsoever. When there is nothing to achieve by working harder, people become slothful, which does little good for a countrys economy. In most attempts, past and present, communism has failed economically, w ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

War or no war essays

War or no war essays December 7, 1941 was the opening battle of the Second World War for the United States of America. But Pearl Harbor also marked the closing of one historical period and the opening of another. America finally ended its self-imposed isolation from world affairs on that day, and for the next 50 years was to be deeply involved in the global struggle against fascism and then against communism. W.G. Hyland explains that the massacre at Pearl Harbor put an end to American isolationism and began the era of international awareness. Until this point the United States did not want to involve itself in World War II which had been going on in Europe. Americans had many different views toward the war, which resulted in the inactivity of Americans until the massacre at Pearl Harbor. The U.S. was forced to engage in World War II at this time because innocent Americans had been killed and they could no longer set back and let disastrous actions take place. The U.S. was very hesitant to join in worldwide destruction because of past problems and present issues. After 1918 came a feeling, amounting almost to a national neurosis, that the United States had been tricked into the First World War. The sentiment was carefully nourished by a revisionist campaign. The country retreated into isolation lasting throughout the era of the Long Armistice from 1918 to 1939. During the years form 1929 to 1941 the U.S. was suffering from the Great Depression. Americans were worried about surviving the depression rather than helping foreign countries with their problems. The economy was in a severe decline; harsh living conditions and economic shortages were punishing the public. First and foremost Americans wanted to rise out of the depression and live in peace and prosperity. European conflicts did not register in the minds of Americans and therefore isolationism was the prevalent view of the American public. The Europea...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained

What Is CBNA on My Credit Report CBNA Definition Explained SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you recently had the name "CBNA" appear on your credit report and are unsure what it means? If so, you’re not alone. Many consumers have had hard pulls on their credit report from CBNA, which most commonly refers to Citibank North America, but can also refer to the Credit Bureau of North America, Community Bank, N.A., or Comenity Bank. In this article, I’ll talk about what seeing CBNA on your credit card means, what each of the companies associated with the acronym CBNA are, and what you should do if you find something unexpected on your credit card. What Is CBNA On My Credit Report? An unexpected inquiry on your credit card can be stressful and lead to many questions. Where did the inquiry come from? Does an unexplained inquiry mean my identity has been stolen? Will this inquiry hurt my credit score? One of the most confusing inquiries on credit reports is for CBNA. CBNA mainly refers to Citibank North America, which is a major consumer and business banking institution in the United States. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit report, that means that Citibank has pulled a credit inquiry on you. When a bank or credit card company pulls a hard credit inquiry on you, that means the potential lender is reviewing your credit because you’ve applied for credit with them. Hard credit inquiries happen when you’re applying for things like a credit card, mortgage, or car loan. Hard credit inquiries do adversely affect your credit report. For most consumers, a hard credit inquiry will take less than five points off their reports. If you only have a few credit accounts or a short credit history, however, a credit inquiry may hurt your credit score more. Having many hard credit inquiries in a short space of time will also hurt your credit score. If you’ve got an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report and you’ve applied for a CBNA credit card or loan, you shouldn’t worry. Hard credit inquiries are a part of the process that comes with applying for a new credit account. You can write to the institution to ask them to remove the credit inquiry from your report, but they won't always do so, especially if the inquiry isn't fraudulent. If you see the letters CBNA on your credit card and you haven’t applied for an account with a CBNA institution, you should take steps to protect your identity. I’ll explain the other institutions associated with CBNA in the next section, as well as what to do when you’ve got an unexplained inquiry on your account. What Else Does CBNA Stand For? While Citibank North America is the most common institution that uses the CBNA acronym on credit reports, there are several others. #1: Credit Bureau of North America: CBNA may stand for Credit Bureau of North America, which is a debt collection agency. If you’ve got an open account with the Credit Bureau of North America, that means that you have an unpaid debt that they’re attempting to collect. You should attempt to settle your debt by paying it off. The best way to do this is to negotiate a pay for delete agreement with CBNA that says that CBNA will remove their information from your credit report once you’ve paid the debt. #2: Community Bank, N.A.: CBNA may also stand for Community Bank, N.A., which is a small local bank that offers personal and business banking in New York and Pennsylvania. If you’ve got a credit inquiry from Community Bank, N.A., you may have applied for a credit line or loan there. #3: Comenity Bank: Comenity Bank is a bank that manages credit cards mainly associated with stores and brands such as Victoria’s Secret or Gamestop. If you’ve applied for a credit card recently at a store, you may see an inquiry from CBNA on your credit report. What To Do If You’ve Got Something Unexpected on Your Credit Report If you’ve got an unexpected inquiry on your credit report that doesn’t match any of your recent credit activity, you should take steps to protect your identity. Start with these five steps to make sure your identity is secure. #1: Contact the Company That Made the Inquiry The first thing to do is to contact the company that made the inquiry. Call the company associated with the inquiry and ask them to prove that it was you that triggered the inquiry. If they can’t, then you can ask the company to notify the three major credit bureaus to remove the inquiry from your account. #2: Document the Fraudulent Inquiry If you’ve determined the inquiry is indeed fraudulent, you should download and complete an identity theft complaint and affidavit form from the Federal Trade Commission’s website. These can be sent to banks, creditors, and credit bureaus in order to explain the inquiry and any other fraudulent credit activity. Depending on the situation, you may also want to fill out a police report. #3: Notify the Three Credit Bureaus After documenting the inquiry with the Federal Trade Commission, you should place a credit freeze on your credit report, which restricts access to your accounts and limits the new inquiries that can be made. You need to contact all three credit companies individually. #4: Place a Fraud Alert at the Three Credit Bureaus You can also place a free, 90 day fraud alert with each of the three credit bureaus. This alert tells creditors to verify your identity through extra steps before extending credit in your name. #5: Dispute the Inquiry at the Three Credit Bureaus The best way to dispute an unexplained inquiry is to call the credit bureau or mail a formal notification of your dispute, proving that the inquiry was fraudulent and unauthorized. Unauthorized inquiries are relatively easy to remove, but may require a number of different conversations to remove. In Summary Many consumers have asked themselves the question: â€Å"What is CBNA on my credit report?† or wonder if they've applied for a CBNA credit card when they see those letters on their credit report. An inquiry from CBNA on your credit report means that you’ve applied for a credit account with an institution associated with those letters, or that you’ve got an open debt in collection with the Credit Bureau of North America. If you haven’t applied for a CBNA credit card, you should take steps to protect your identity from fraud. What's Next? How can you find the best credit card for your needs? Narrow down what the best credit card for you is with this guide. Thinking about getting a Banana Republic store card? We cover the pros and cons of the Banana Republic credit card here. Looking to learn more about other financial acronyms and terms? Find out what return on assets (ROA) is and how to use that information here.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

It's in the instructions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

It's in the instructions - Essay Example The product is now one of the most popular gaming devices in the world. The first playstation was developed on the technology of the cancelled Super disc, which was upgraded and developed into a product of its own. This new product was by far superior to other gaming devices such as the Sega or the Nintendo as it possessed a CD-ROM gaming system which was new in this era and easier for manufacturing. The first Playstation launched had a lot of development potential due to the CD-ROM system it used. The approach by the company to introduce third parties for marketing made the product even more appealing. The design was also modern, sleek and was superior to the other gaming devices. Playstation further enhanced its reach by gaining control of several franchises in the gaming word such as Spyro, Crash Bandicoot and Twisted metal which were all very popular games. These were made the faces of the console which was also an excellent marketing strategy. The next console to be introduced was Playstation 2 which was introduced in 2000 (Donovan et al., 10). This console had a superior appearance to the first Playstation and had record breaking sale figures. This is because Playstation had already acquired a loyal fan base and many people were awaiting the upgrade of the already successful Playstation. The sales of PS2 were more than 150 million in total. The success of PS2 also lies in the fact that they kept in touch with the requirements of the customers and introduced the popular characters from the first Playstation. In addition, there were new characters that were introduced. Particularly the first Killzone and God of War were all introduced on Playstation 2. These were also influential and helped in boosting the popularity of PS2. These games also enabled to create loyalty among gamers as they would be waiting for upgrades in the future versions. PS2 Slim was the next to be released and the selling feature of this console

Friday, October 18, 2019

Great Depression 1930's Paragrapgh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Great Depression 1930's Paragrapgh - Essay Example Being innovative is another important tenant. Just like authenticity, innovation is a loaded term. Also like authenticity, being innovative largely depends on the specific artist. In either case, graphic designers must not simply strive towards creating designs, but must also strive towards innovation in terms of theme, methods of creation, and even tools used. This is done most successful when accomplished in an authentic way. For instance, an artist creating their own design program or tool to then create the design would be regarded as both authentic and innovative. While in most aspects of the world stealing is viewed as naturally unethical, within graphic design this should not be the case. In this way there is the recognition that art and innovation should not be restricted by unnecessary barriers. This does not mean, of course, that a graphic designer should wholeheartedly steal another person’s design. Rather it means that portions of one piece of art should be readily and frequently combined with other pieces of art in a continuing series of designs. Combing falls into a category near stealing. Combining, however, involves the actual act of putting disparate styles or previously made works together to achieve a new product. Combining can be viewed as an aesthetic, but it can also be viewed as a technique. In both instances there is the recognition that past ideas or approaches should not be abandoned but reimagined in ways that seek to reignite the dormant aspects of human instinct that are entombed in these past approaches. Improvisation should also be recognized as a major design tenant. While for many people the idea of improvisation harkens back to jazz music and meandering styles, the link between improvisation and authentic expression should not be neglected. Improvisation removes the mind from needless

Macro analysis of Pulp Fiction (1994) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro analysis of Pulp Fiction (1994) - Essay Example Thus the movie viewer knows something is about to happen, probably a "hit." And from the way these two wiseguys talk, the viewer knows they are cold killers, professionals, so whoever is going to get "whacked" are in for it. At an apartment building, they go up the elevator and end up in front of a door--but theyre too early. So they "hang back." Finally the time arrives to execute their mission. They enter the apartment, question the inhabitants, fetch some precious suitcase, then shoot the living daylights out of their targets. Even in the hands of a less creative director, the interesting-ness of this scenes plot (written by Tarantino and Roger Avery) could provide passably entertaining fare, but under Director Tarantino, with his use of incongruous dialogue, a modern-yet-rundown-60s-type set design straight from Alfred Hitchcocks "Psycho" and the ability to elicit wonderfully different/surreal performances from his actors, the result is something entirely new, refreshing, engrossing, and enjoyable. If theres a phrase that captures this fresh magic, it is "out-of-placedness." The films dialogue is "out of place," the scenes are "out-of-place" in a linear sequence, the characters are "out-of-place." The rich dialogue would be more likely be overheard at a geek convention, the movies scenes are non-linear and interwoven like an Escher painting, the characters with their strange mannerisms and interest in pop culture, though realistic and very human, seem to exist only in a world all their own. As a show of his talent, Tarantino has made all this work. The movie viewer, expecting the tension, the drama and suspense of the Crime & Gangster genre and the mood of film noir, is not disappointed because Tarantino shows respect for the genre and the noir style. "Pulp Fiction" is never campy or over the top. Director Tarantino has made sure his actors all perform their lines and actions as grittily realistic as possible. The movie does not parody nor

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Research Paper - Essay Example Moreover, in case that an agreement is developed between a firm and an advertising agency, this agreement needs to be aligned with the firm’s culture and aims. Otherwise, the chances for the survival of this agreement would be limited. In the case of General Motors, another aspect of the relationship between the firm and its advertising agency has been given: the above relationship reflects specific interests; if these interests are changed, then the cooperation between the above parties may be ended. In this context, General Motors had to terminate its cooperation with the advertising agency Publicis Groupe SA., almost a month after the above agency replaced Campbell-Ewald (an agency which had the responsibility for the advertising campaigns of Chevrolet since 1919). Indeed, in May 2010, General Motors switched to Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (part of the Omnicom Group) from Publicis Groupe S.A. – a cooperation that lasted – as noted above – for, just, about a month. The decision of GM to switch to Publicis Groupe SA will not particularly analyzed – since it was for an agreement that last for about a month. Rather the reasons for the termination of the firm’s cooperation with Campbell-Ewald – a cooperation, which started in 1919 – and for the development of an agreement with Omnicom Group need to be further analyzed. In accordance with Krisher (2010) the managers of GM did not give particular explanations for their decision to terminate their cooperation with Campbell-Ewald; on the other hand, the managers in GM had noted that there were problems in the performance of Campbell-Ewald – especially regarding ‘advertising and marketing’ (Krisher 2010). In the past, the above agency had significantly supported the expansion of Chevrolet across USA through the well-known ads of ‘See the USA in your Chevrolet’ (Krisher 2010), an ad of 1950s and ‘Like a Rock’ (Krish er 2010) in 1990s. It is suggested that GM should reconsider its decision to change its agency, taking into consideration the success achieved for the firm in the past through the ads of Campbell-Ewald. On the other hand, in May 2010, GM changed its marketing director; the new marketing director of the firm, J. Ewanick, had previously worked in Hyundai; there he managed to achieve a significant increase of the firm’s sales through the Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (Woodall 2010); the first target of J. Ewanick as the marketing director of GM has been the change of the firm’s traditional marketing strategy – which has been characterized as too conservative (Woodall 2010); the switch in the firm’s agency – from Publicis Groupe S.A to Goodby, Silverstein & Partners – should be regarded as part of this effort (Elliott 2010). b. Find examples of advertising and other promotional programs that were developed by the old agency and examples of ads developed by the new agency. Do you think the advertising campaign and messages being developed by the new agency are better and/or more appropriate for the company than those of the old agency? Why or why not? The effectiveness of the two agencies, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (current agency of GM, from May 2010 onwards) and Campbell-Ewald (agency of GM from 1919 up to April 2010) would be examined by referring to examples of their advertising practices. The examination of the advertising pract

Financial Markets and Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Financial Markets and Risk - Essay Example The major sources of long term finance in the capital markets are actually the products provided to the consumer for long term investment. The consumers are assumed to be rational in their choices among the various alternatives presented. The choice of the product to use will depend on: time element, a cost of finance, flexibility and the mode of payment. Long-term investment products provide funds that may be used usually for more than five years. They include: Share capital - this consists of both ordinary share capital which is contributed by the real owners of a limited company and it is not redeemable and the preference share capital. This is contributed by the preference shareholders. Retained earnings provisions - these are part of the profits which belong to the ordinary shareholders and are not paid to them in the period they are earned. Debentures or long-term loans - a debenture is the written acknowledgment of a debt incurred by a limited company. Mortgages - the consumers and companies can get loans for long periods by mortgaging their assets with any mortgage brokers or any other financial institution. Sale and lease back - a company which owns its own premises or fixed assets can obtain finance by selling the property to an insurance company for immediate cash and renting it back. The cost of finance or the product depends on the terms of finance, nature and size of the business, availability of the product, the nature of security, growth stage of the company and government influences through the central bank.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Research Paper - Essay Example Moreover, in case that an agreement is developed between a firm and an advertising agency, this agreement needs to be aligned with the firm’s culture and aims. Otherwise, the chances for the survival of this agreement would be limited. In the case of General Motors, another aspect of the relationship between the firm and its advertising agency has been given: the above relationship reflects specific interests; if these interests are changed, then the cooperation between the above parties may be ended. In this context, General Motors had to terminate its cooperation with the advertising agency Publicis Groupe SA., almost a month after the above agency replaced Campbell-Ewald (an agency which had the responsibility for the advertising campaigns of Chevrolet since 1919). Indeed, in May 2010, General Motors switched to Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (part of the Omnicom Group) from Publicis Groupe S.A. – a cooperation that lasted – as noted above – for, just, about a month. The decision of GM to switch to Publicis Groupe SA will not particularly analyzed – since it was for an agreement that last for about a month. Rather the reasons for the termination of the firm’s cooperation with Campbell-Ewald – a cooperation, which started in 1919 – and for the development of an agreement with Omnicom Group need to be further analyzed. In accordance with Krisher (2010) the managers of GM did not give particular explanations for their decision to terminate their cooperation with Campbell-Ewald; on the other hand, the managers in GM had noted that there were problems in the performance of Campbell-Ewald – especially regarding ‘advertising and marketing’ (Krisher 2010). In the past, the above agency had significantly supported the expansion of Chevrolet across USA through the well-known ads of ‘See the USA in your Chevrolet’ (Krisher 2010), an ad of 1950s and ‘Like a Rock’ (Krish er 2010) in 1990s. It is suggested that GM should reconsider its decision to change its agency, taking into consideration the success achieved for the firm in the past through the ads of Campbell-Ewald. On the other hand, in May 2010, GM changed its marketing director; the new marketing director of the firm, J. Ewanick, had previously worked in Hyundai; there he managed to achieve a significant increase of the firm’s sales through the Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (Woodall 2010); the first target of J. Ewanick as the marketing director of GM has been the change of the firm’s traditional marketing strategy – which has been characterized as too conservative (Woodall 2010); the switch in the firm’s agency – from Publicis Groupe S.A to Goodby, Silverstein & Partners – should be regarded as part of this effort (Elliott 2010). b. Find examples of advertising and other promotional programs that were developed by the old agency and examples of ads developed by the new agency. Do you think the advertising campaign and messages being developed by the new agency are better and/or more appropriate for the company than those of the old agency? Why or why not? The effectiveness of the two agencies, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners (current agency of GM, from May 2010 onwards) and Campbell-Ewald (agency of GM from 1919 up to April 2010) would be examined by referring to examples of their advertising practices. The examination of the advertising pract

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cold War Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cold War Politics - Essay Example Calling war a ‘savage human behavior’ the general reiterates the importance of establishing an effective security policy; a term that obviously cannot be used interchangeably with a ‘war policy’. It should be noted that a security policy does not necessarily act as a cause of war. In fact, war is decided by the quality of interaction between nations and their eagerness to reach an agreement. (p. 209) General Marshall makes allusions to the World War II to elaborate upon this aspect however, the most interesting point remains that he describes the institution of war from the perspective of Germany and Japan only; the very nations that constituted the opposing side of the Second World War. He states that war is the doctrine of Japan and Germany; the people, who he believes have given a lot of thought to this. Though, his speech was meant to shed light on the lessons that the United States learned as a result of the Second World War, however, comically enough the first half of the speech sounds more or less like an attack on the central powers; the side that not only suffered a humiliating defeat in the great war but were also heavily penalized. Though, the penalty is nothing compared to the number of lives that were lost but stigmatizing an entire nation does nothing to help either. General Marshall seeks to get approval to shape their military strategy and security policy as a mode of protecting America and its citizens from aggressive nations such as Germany and Japan. He makes several statements that not only implicate Japan and Germany as the sole perpetrators of war but also portrays America as a helpless nation. This aspect of Marshall’s speech depicts that the history of war is in fact framed by its victors that largely portray themselves as the innocent party.

Fallacious Statements Essay Example for Free

Fallacious Statements Essay In fairy tales we often read how the Princess is rescued by her knight in shining armor. The knight comes racing in to save her from anything that can harm her and take her away to live happily ever after. It sounds like the perfect ending to a love story. Is it right? In Princess’s Di story that was not what happened. It seemed she was in trouble, but her knight in shining armor must have been out of town. There were many speculations about what happened on the night Princess Di was killed. It would appear that during that night out the Princess was chased by the ever famous paparazzi and the driver lost control of the car and crashed. This crash killed Di and her companion. Is this the end of the story? Not according to the website dedicated to trying to uncover the conspiracy plot against Di. Was the crash really an accident, or was it a planned assassination of the Princess. Many people suppose that she was murdered. The question that comes to mind is why anyone would want princess assassinated. Some say it was because of her alleged relationship with Dodi Fayed. His father has launched a campaign to discover what really happened that night. Other speculations have been mentioned such as the rumor that she was pregnant with Dodis child and that would crush the royal family. One glance at the site of www. dianamurder. com would make any reasonable person begin to question the validity of the crash theory. This site informs the reader that on April 7th ,2008 coroner’s jury ruled Princess Diana and her boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed through the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997`. Should this make the questions stop? It seems that many people continue to question the truth of how Princess Di was killed. Many questions have been left unanswered and they should be answered before the Princess can really be rest in peace.. To conclude I would like to submit few questions others have posed to make you begin wonder. According to www. dianamurder. com some questions left unanswered are: why were the photographers chasing her on motorcycles, if the driver was experienced? Why did the motorcycles over take a Mercedes? The one that really made me think was: why was the driver allowed to drive her if he was really drunk? If these questions have left you wondering then you are like many other people, who want to know the rest of the story. References: The murder of Princess Diana. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 09, 2009 from http://www. dianamurder. com/ENG 2001 aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" WEEK 3 Peer Critique Evaluation Checklist (4 being the best) 1. Paper evidences clear understanding and 4 3 2 1appropriate use of Avoiding Fallacious Statements or Using Argument by Authority 2. Paper provides a clear position statement in an 4 3 2 1 Introduction that arouses reader’s interest 3. Paper provides a clear focus throughout 4 3 2 1 4. Reasons for position clearly stated and backed by 4 3 2 1 relevant evidence in the form of examples, quotes, etc. There are little quotesin the paper, the evidence is not very clear, those are mostly questions and assumptions that support the author’s position 5. Paper is written from an appropriate perspective 4 3 2 1 6. Ideas in paper are ordered logically with appropriate 4 3 2 1 connections within and between paragraphs The order of paragraphs is broken.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The History Of The Galapagos Islands

The History Of The Galapagos Islands Geographically, the Galapagos Islands belong to The Equator, and are situated on the Pacific Ocean near Central America. Its an archipelago composed of 41 volcanic islands. The islands have a population of slightly over 30,000 inhabitants. Historically, the Galapagos Islands were officially discovered by the bishop of Panama, Tomas de Berlanga in 1535. Until the 17th century, the islands are used as a natural water tank and food. What people can find is not only drinking water but also animals in particular tortoises. Unfortunately, lots of animals were used as food and some species were killed off definitely. In 1835, Charles Darwin explored the archipelago. Surprised by the specific fauna of the islands, he studied particularly the geology and the biology on the islands. Thanks to his observations made, he published his first study on the origin of species and the natural selection. Between the 1920s and the 1930s, a wave of European settlers arrived in the islands. By 1934, laws on the protection of the archipelago were promulgated. However, because of the World War Two, some species were exterminated. The archipelago officially became a National Park in 1959. At that period, Darwin foundation was created in order to get funds for the conservation of the islands. Tourism started toward the end of the 1960s. Today, thousands of millions of people visit the Galapagos Islands each year. They are the first site in the world that became a listed UNESCO World Heritage site in 1978. Furthermore, in 2007, UNESCO put the Galapagos Islands on the list of WORLD HERITAGE IN DANGER because of the environment threats (mass tourism, overfishing, invasive species). In 2010, they have been removed from this list thanks to the significant progress made by Ecuador. The question that could be asked: what role has tourism played on the Galapagos islands? This study on the Galapagos Islands is divided into three main points. First of all, it will be focusing on the impact of tourism, positive as well as negative, on the islands. Then, it will talk about the management of tourism in that protected area. To finish, it will be discussing the role of eco-tourism in the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands, where Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, are at risk of being ruined by tourists. Indeed, animals are disrupted by large numbers of tourist abandoning their babies and eggs including the famous giant tortoises. Its a disaster for all fauna on the Galapagos Islands but as well a real risk for the flora. There are so many species on the islands and in the surrounding waters that are now considered critically endangered, while another ninety have been officially declared as vulnerable. In the last five years, more than 100 new plants species have been introduced. Some species of the giant tortoise and the Galapagos mouse have disappeared completely. When visitors are coming to the island they bring with them spores or insects, which can be dangerous for native species. For example, they brought the mosquito of Malaria, who can kill many birds. People are thinking that the Island isnt disfigured by the impact of mass tourism but this is the saddening observation of the latest years. Facts are here and nobody can do anything now. The damage is done. The Galapagos need tourism but in the same time, tourists are damaging the Islands. Tourists need services such as hotels and resorts. They want the same thing they can find everywhere with the Galapagos landscape. They ask for tourist information centres and guides on the islands. These demands are creating a large part of employment on the island. They need transport and airport, which has required the setting up of many buildings. The land used to be a magnificent forest and its now transforming in small urban areas like everywhere in South America. The Galapagos were concreted like Benidorm in Spain. The concrete spoiled the Spanishs East coast. For example forty years ago, people could go only by local supplies boat, but today there are up to 5 flights a day or cruise ship. The government decided to create a highway all around the main island. After a few years of intense urbanism, traffic congestion and a high density of people coming to the tourist attractions, tense relationships took place with local people. Finally in 1997, after years of governmental mismanagement, crucial decisions were made. UNESCO and all the actors of the Galapagos political life decided to create several laws to calm down tensions on the archipelago. They gave priority to the preservation of the ecological system and the biodiversity. The sustainable development on the islands has been one of the most important points of the law. Rising the standard of living for local inhabitants has been implemented. Integrated managements resources have been created to help people. The main goal of this driving change and law was set up to favour a peaceful climate on the Galapagos Islands. We know that a good political situation is essential for the tourism industry. Locals and tourists have to progress a great deal together. In the same environment, they have to live together and change their mind. Thats the real impact of tourism in The Galapagos Island. The development of tourism in the Galapagos Islands has caused numerous changes both on the economic and on the environmental point of view. Over the years, the impact of tourism has become increasingly one of the main preoccupations on the future of the archipelago. The popularity of the Galapagos Islands attracts lots of tourists. However, this massive influx of visitors is presently a threat to the ecosystem because some people dont have concern for our environment. Therefore, though tourism remains the main economic activity in the archipelago, the implementation of rules was necessary to manage tourism in order to ensure the preservation of the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos National Park is the main attraction of the tourists but is submitted to strict rules. Created by the government of the Ecuador in 1959, it aimed to the preservation of wildlife from human influence. Currently, one of the main concerns is the flow of tourists within the islands. In order to reduce the negative impact on the environment, the government has set up a management system in protected areas. In 1973, the Management Plan of the Galapagos National Park fixed a limited number of tourists to the islands but over the years the number of visitors has increased. Looking at the rise of tourists, that measure wasnt efficient and so has been reviewed in 1996 focalizing more on the capacity of a site. The capacity is characterised by several parameters such as the time spent in during a visit, the area available, climateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Before their departure to the islands, visitors receive information about the conservation of the islands and are notified of the appropriate behaviour to adopt over there. Once arrived, tourists are strictly controlled; making sure everything is in accordance with regulations. During the visit, tourists are accompanied by a certified guide. Guides play an important role in park management. They have attributed a small group with a limited number of people (by boat or on the terrestrial visitor sites). Their main role is to ensure no one infringes rules and respects the wildlife. Tourists are required to stay on marked trails and are not allowed to disturb fauna and leaving trash. Guides have to pay attention to it to avoid damages on the environment. Guides have to make the tourists realise the importance of such rules by providing information on programs carried out by the Galapagos National Park in order to respect the environment. The Management Plan allows tourists to visit only at selected sites in the National Park and at a small capacity. The visit is authorised in small numbers so that the wildlife and the environment are preserved. The conservation of the islands involves all tourists; they must pay high fees before entering in protected areas. In addition, the Galapagos National Park Service manages the number of people visiting the sites by establishing a specific and fixed itinerary for ships which transports 20 customers or more. The control of tourism is done as well on land as on sea. Different standards are monitored: itineraries for visits, naturalist guides qualifications, the quota of passengersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ All these factors must be conformed to the legislation. The role of visitors is a key point in the management of tourism. Managing visitors consists in controlling the identity of each one (once arrived on the islands, tourists provide their personal information: age, nationalityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Then, the monitoring is also focused on reports made by the guides about visits (number of tourists, duration of the visit). One of the main challenges for park managers would be to regulate the flow of tourists by implementing a monitoring system. Tourism in the Galapagos Islands must continue to attract visitors in terms of education, personal experience and awareness. However, it has been necessary to put some limits to regulate in an easier way the activities within the islands. At last, tourism in the islands is considered as Ecotourism. Ecotourism is defined by TIES (The International Ecotourism Society: a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting ecotourism) as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. (TIES, 1990) The Galapagos Islands have been an ecological destination for 30 years. With hindsight, we can see the benefits of ecotourism in two major domains: environment and economy. First of all, it is clear that people need to work to live, but farming and industry have a high impact on the conservation of the environment. Therefore, Ecotourism has been a way to allow people to work while preserving and protecting the nature. This kind of tourism is educational: it teaches people how to live with and be more aware of the surrounding environmental wealth. As a fact, endangered habitats and biodiversity are conserved because both tourists and local people understand the importance of their impact on the environment. The Ecotourism has permitted tourism to continue and progress in the Galapagos Islands, even if its biodiversity is very protected, thanks to a very strict conservation policy, rules and controls. The low-impact tourism developed in the Galapagos has benefited the islands. As a matter of fact, Ecotourism provides financial motivations that encourage local people to protect the environment and work for it. On an economic point of view, Ecotourism has contributed to raising the quality of life of the natives. It enabled that money spent by tourists (around $1000 per tourist for 2 weeks, so much more than a recreational tourist) goes directly to the locals and not to international companies. This money is reinvested to both increase the standards of living and to finance the Galapagos National Park, in the way to conserve the biodiversity. Generally, in poor countries, the primary resources permit to survive (water, minerals, trees) but Ecotourism in the Galapagos Islands has provided an alternative source of incomes. Indeed, tourism expenses encourage local people to seek for a sustainable job: guide, cleaner, waiter, security, boat owner. Finally, the employment generated by the Ecotourism ensures that fewer people leave for cities. To sum up, the Galapagos Islands example shows that Ecotourism requires a very well balance between economy and environment. There is a real correlation between conservation and development in the Galapagos Islands. As a matter of fact, tourism has a significant impact on the environment, because of the entire town planning it needs, the pollution, the noise, and the constant increase in the number of tourists. To manage this, many rules have been settled to restrict that. Ecotourism was the best way to reduce the environment damages caused by the tourism while keeping an important source of revenue. However, Ecotourism should not become an important economic industry. If so, it will not be called Ecotourism any longer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Life, it is often said, is the greatest mystery. How many times throughout our lives do we pause and ask ourselves: Why are we here? What is our purpose? Or some other infinitely ponderous question. Here and now, as we stand teetering upon a great threshold welcoming us into a whole new realm of independence, is no exception. Tonight the many mysteries of life hang over us, but instead of casting a shadow, they are illuminating our world and setting a glow in our eyes and in our hearts. If you think there is no mystery around you now, I invite you to ask yourself: How did we get here? Can you recall the specifics? When we were full of hope, who shared in our elation? What will we do now? For some, the answer to that last question is simple. Some of us are looking ahead to work or furthering our education and others are looking no farther than this summer or even later tonight. But what about ten years from now? Twenty? All that we do now directly affects every coming second, just as all that we have done in the past has brought us to this point. Along the way there has been roc...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hatchet – Gary Paulsen

HATCHET ESSAY Brian Robeson, the main character in Gray Paulsen’s novel Hatchet does experience problems after crashing in the Canadian wilderness. However, he is able to survive because he learns from his mistakes and he becomes more positive and resilient. When Brian survives the plane crash he initially finds it very difficult to cope in his new environment. His clothes were soaked and muddy, he was freezing cold and his anorak had been torn. As he was practically motionless a â€Å"swarming horde of mosquitoes flocked to his body. † He was being eaten alive but didn’t have the energy to fight back!Brian approached the lake and all he could see was his ‘ugly’ reflection of his beaten up face. Brian was miserable and lonely and depressed. He could remember how in the city it was all grey and black but now he was in a green nature. Brian had no food so he managed to find some berries which he called â€Å"gut cherries† because of the massive stomach pains they gave him. He was satisfied that he had food but it was nothing compared to what he could eat back home. One night whilst sleeping Brian felt something on his leg, he awoken to see a porcupine near his foot.Without thinking he kicked it and got some of the quills stuck in his foot, Brian then threw his hatchet at the porcupine but didn’t hit it and landed against the wall in his cave. Brian felt so upset with himself. â€Å"It was all too much and he couldn’t take it. † So it can be seen that initially Brian certainly finds it hard to survive in the wilderness. Although Brian finds it difficult at first, he is able to survive because he learns from his mistakes and he is persistent. After the incident with the porcupine Brian needed rest so he lay down on his side and shut his eyes.That night Brian had a strange dream his best friend Terry & his father were in it. His dad was trying to speak to him about how he threw the hatchet against the wal l and that if he did it again sparks would come. His dream wasn’t at all clear but Brian managed to find out its purpose. The next morning Brian looked over his dream again and again. He grabbed his hatchet and kept hitting the wall with it. Brian knew that he needed something to keep the spark alive so he grabbed a few twigs and tore up a twenty dollar note that he happen to have in his pocket.At first he didn’t succeed but with his persistence Brian made a new friend †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ fire†. Brian had still been eating gut cherries and needed something new. Brian was down at the lake and noticed some strange tracks across the sand, he thought they may have been turtle tracks so he followed them to find turtle eggs buried, about 12 or so. Brian quickly cracked one open and drank what was inside. He was in heaven and was going crazy over these eggs. He knew he had to leave some so he took the rest back to his shelter. Brian knew he had a fire and he knew that his shelter was near the lake.And what lives in the water? Fish do. Brian could make a fish spear! He carved a stick with his hatchet and began his task of trying to get a fish. It wasn’t working, the fish would just swim away as soon as Brian raised his arm or made the slightest of movements. He needed a better weapon, maybe a bow & arrow. Brian’s fire had gone out whilst he was outside and it just so happens that a plane had flown past. Brian was screaming out to try and get the pilots attention but without the smoke he didn’t seem to look down.Brian was destroyed on the inside, he just didn’t want to bother anymore. He grabbed his hatchet and started cutting his wrist. The next day Brian woke up upset but after thinking long and hard he was a new man, he learnt from his mistakes and made a better fire which he would sustain and he would not let anyone or anything get in the way of his survival. He even managed to complete his bow and arrow, he was tryi ng it out when the arrow splinted into his face. He didn’t want to be upset so he made a better arrow which would hold.Brian remembered from past experience with the spear that the light refracts in water so he knew exactly how to get a fish. The trouble was that it wasn’t as easy as he thought but after about an hour of trying Brian finally got one, his first fish. In all the time he’d spent so far in the Canadian wilderness he never thought he would feel so good. With the spare fish guts Brian places them in a shallower pool of water which of course attracted more fish. He then made a small net which fenced off the pool. He basically had his on fish tank where he could eat any at any time.Because Brian is determined and is able to learn from his mistakes he manages to endure this difficult time. As time passes, Brian becomes more positive and resilient and he refuses to give in. Brian had been going well, he’d been eating fish and maintaining his fire s o that if rescue did come he’d be back home. Fish was getting kind of boring for Brian and he felt like meat. Of course there were birds around, Brian could hear them all the time. The problem was how to get them? He could use his bow and arrow but the birds might fly away at the sound of movement kind of like the fish.Brian knew about a bird called a fool bird. They have amazing camouflage skills. Brian discovered that the fool birds were shaped rather like pears and that he should look for shapes not colours when trying to capture these birds. With his brain and agility Brian managed to kill one of the fool birds, having his official â€Å"day of first meat. † Weeks had passed and still Brian hadn’t been rescued, it was as if they’d forgotten about him or at least looking in the wrong place. But Brian had to be positive and think positive as he patiently waited day after day.He was doing everything he could think of right so why hadn’t he been re scued yet. Time would tell Brian thought. There would been no Brian Robeson without more injuries, like one day when he was down at the lake a moose came to get a drink and thought of Brian as a pray so the moose rammed his leaving Brian without broken ribs as he thought. Things weren’t going good, he could barely walk well and one night a terrible thing happened. He heard gusts of wind coming from hear there and everywhere. It was a tornado. Brian wasn’t safe at this point in time and he was scared for his life.The next morning he woke up to complete disaster. His shelter had been torn apart, there were trees on the ground everywhere you looked and out on the lake Brian could see that the tornado was that strong that is managed to move the plane so its tail was sticking up. Brian needed to get his fire started again he couldn’t risk another chance of not being rescued. So he fixed up his shelter and started the fire again but still he wasn’t rescued. Bri an was getting a bit fed up with the situation that he had to take matters into his own hands.There must have been a survival kit in the plane which he knew would have some sort of rescue device so he put together a raft made out of logs he’d found after the tornado. With his broken ribs Brian paddled out towards the plane. All he had with his was his hatchet. When he got to the plane he tied the raft up and began examining how he could get inside. Brian started chopping at the plan with his hatchet. Then all of a sudden he dropped his hatchet. He couldn’t believe it all this time Brian had been lost the only useful thing he had was his hatchet and now that was at the bottom of the murky lake.He had to retrieve it, he just had to! Brian dived down into the lake looking around but wasn’t able to see anything. He then dived down a second time managing to get his hatchet. He then continued chopping at the plane. After a few minutes Brian had made it bigger for him to just fit through so he climbed inside the plane. Brian looked around and couldn’t see any type of survival kit or bag. So he dived under and found the bag which was attached to the seat in the front of the aeroplane. He managed to get it and started making his way out of the wreckage.As he was pulling the bag out he would budge so Brian moved around whatever was inside and thankfully it came out. He paddled back to shore and back up to his shelter, where he then looked inside the bag. It had everything you could imagine. Blankets, pots, food, water, knifes but most of all Brian saw a transceiver type of device he turned it on at the bottom but it didn’t seem to do anything. Brian was so hungry that he didn’t care about survival right now. He saw packets of food which you just had to add water and you were done. Brian ate about 5 adult meals and then he heard a noise.It sounded like a sort of plane, then he looked up. Coming down landing next to the lake was a plane and a man approached him and said â€Å"Your Brian Robeson, that kid that got lost aren’t you? † Brian said nothing but â€Å"Would you like some food†. By refusing to give in and remaining positive, Brian survives his time alone in the Canadian wilderness. When Brian’s plane crashes it first appears that he will struggle to survive. However with each experience Brian learns to do things differently and this assists his survival. He becomes a person who is able to learn from his mistakes and remain positive and determined in his new environment.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

History of District Nursing in Australia Essay

District nurses are those senior nurses who are involved in managing care in a community by leading teams of both support workers and community nurses. This particular paper talks about the history of district nursing since its emergence in England over one hundred and fifty years ago. It then discusses the progress of district nursing in other countries, in this case, Australia. Nursing can be defined as a science and an art with an exceptional body of knowledge drawing from behavioral, physical, and social sciences (Funnel et al, 2005, p. ). It is a profession that is unique in its own way because it addresses families and individuals responses to health problems, health maintenance, as well as health promotion. Over one hundred years ago, nursing was defined by Florence Nightingale as the act of making use of a patient’s environment in a bid to helping that particular patient recover. To facilitate for quick recovery, she considered a clean, quiet, and well ventilated environment as very essential. Nursing helps in facilitation of prescribed therapy, assists patients to be independent of assistance, and also help the patients to function to their maximum potential as soon as possible. Various themes have been associated with the definition of nursing. Some describe nursing as an art, as a science, that nursing is about caring, it is holistic, that it is client oriented, adaptive, and that nursing is generally a helping profession. The historical accounts of the profession clearly bring out the revolving nature of nursing. The word nurse was derived from a Latin word which means to cherish or nourish. In a human being’s life, birth, death, sickness, and injury are all very common. There has therefore always been that need to take care of others, especially those in need. Funnel et al state that some of the earliest and most organized nursing carried out by men who worked in hospitals which were established by military religious orders at the period the crusades. Some examples included the knights of St. Lazarus, and the Knights of St.  John of Jerusalem. Henry VIII, during the sixteenth century, commanded the closure of English monasteries and the confiscation of their wealth as well. What this meant was that all the sick and destitute people had no where to stay and were hence left to die. This then saw the construction of work houses which were used to house the poor and especially the sick. Here they lived in very bad conditions and were at the same time required to work in order to earn th eir continued stay there. Conditions in London got to a very desperate state, and after many petitions from the citizens, Henry VIII had no option but to allow for the re-founding of some hospitals like St Mary’s, St Thomas’s, as well as St Bartholomew’s. These hospitals despite their reopening were very poorly staffed and were characterized by untrained workers whose characters were very poor. Patients who were admitted in these hospitals lived under appalling conditions in overcrowded wards Funnel et al add that the early 18th and mid 19th century came to be termed as nursing â€Å"Dark Ages† of nursing. It was an age where caring of the sick and nurses’ status reached to the lowest levels ever imaginable (5). A clergyman named Theodor Fliedner in 1836 founded the institution Kaiserwerth where they trained specially chosen women as deaconesses. The institution was then to be famous for its high standards and levels of training as well as the care given to the sick. The institution then grew very famous and finally became the centre for training nurses and as a result received very many trainees, and from all parts of the world. Some of these trainees later opened up centers in their respective countries. Modern nursing has hence evolved as a result of the influence Kaiserwerth had on individuals like Florence Nightingle. She had spent two weeks at Kaiserwerth in 1850 and later visited the institution again in 1851 and was named Superintendent for Establishment for Gentlewomen during Illness. She became famous when she took with her a team of thirty nurses to Scutari where they were met with a lot of resistance from medics who refused them to take care of the sick and injured soldiers. She however did not give up and devoted her time and energy to improving bad conditions in the camps through the introduction of communal as well as personal hygiene, organization of excellent food supply, getting hold of medical supplies, and basic sanitary conditions like washing of hands and also the importance of fresh air. In a span of two to three weeks, the opposition she had earlier faced was no more and the nurses were then called back to come and take care of the sick. Florence Nightingle was viewed as an idol by the soldiers because she brought hope and comfort to the sick just by the light of the lamp she used t carry at night, hence she was later came to be known as the Lady of the Lamp. In the case of Australia, very little interest was paid for the care of the sick when the original English colony was established at Sydney Cove. In 1811, Sydney hospital was opened and the staff included of female convicts with some male convicts also carrying out nursing duties. They were however received no wages for the labor they offered although they received their keep. The nurses’ behavior here was wanting and they were known to be of poor character with them being drunk in most cases while on duty. In 1811, Australia opened its first lunatic asylum and it was characterized by untrained mental attendants. As a way of control, huge numbers of disturbed individuals were literally restrained because most of the staff were custodians and there was no emphasis whatsoever on treatment (Funnel et al, 2005, p. 5). In 1838, the first group of trained nurses arrived in Sydney. They were five in number. The influence of Nightingale was experienced in 1868. The principles of Nightingale were gradually adapted and the physically ill could now be cared for. Nurses were not left behind either. Practical skills were taught to them such as those of leeching, dressing, as well as administering enemas. Emphasis was however put on their punctuality, sexual purity, cleanliness, and most importantly obedience. A huge percentage of nursing comprised of housekeeping, and was dominated by house hold work. It was however acknowledged that compassion and also dignity were characteristics that were desirable for all those who took care of the sick. The necessity for nurses training in Australia grew as scientific advances continued to be made. By the year 1900, most of the Australian hospitals had a three year training program for student nurses where lectures were delivered by the medical staff. The students could not however maintain their concentration in class as a result of long hours of work. IN the wake of the twentieth century, conflict would arise whether nursing should be viewed as a vocation, subordinate to medicine, or as a profession which is different but of equal status with medicine. (Funnel et al, 2005, p. 6) add that in the year 1867, an Act of Parliament was passed which stated that all individuals displaying signs of mental impairments should be sent to mental asylums and not prisons. As a result, the developmentally disabled were then able to be separated from the mentally ill. Nursing in these mental asylums was delivered mostly by male attendants, and even though care remained and continued to be custodial, the medical staff was able to offer some lectures to these attendants. This is the period in which female attendants begun receiving serious considerations. As the increase in training of nurses continued to increase, so was the agitation for nurses’ registration. In 1920, South Australia was the first of the states to pass the relevant legislation followed by Western Australia in 1922 and Victoria and New South Wales in 1924. Industrial issues emerged as the sense of professionalism emerged among nurses. In 1924, the Australian Nursing Federation was able to hold its first meeting and the meting addressed several issues including the improved working conditions, improved wages, and the need for greater professional acknowledgment. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (1986), home nursing in Australia started in 1885 when a group of concerned nationals came together in Victoria and founded the Melbourne District Nursing Service. The main objective of the group was to look after the underprivileged sick people at home. Since then, nursing services have been seen to spread to every territory and state. Today, there are more than two hundred institutions using modern technology to take care of the sick and at the same time offer both general and specialized nursing services to the citizens of Australia. Australian Bureau of Statistics states that the link with district nurses from England is apparent in the growth of nursing institutes in Australia. In England, nurses begun to be trained for work districts in 1848. One, Mr. William Rathborne, in 1859, saw the need to provide a nurse who was meant to work amongst the poor in Liverpool. He later founded a training school for district nurses using his own personal finances. These nurses were not only seen as caring but also as social reformers due to their knowledge and also direct contact they established with those they cared for. During Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Year in 1887, some of the funds collected for her gift were given by the queen for the setting up of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Institute of Nurses. Throughout England for many years, the establishment facilitated both the employment and training of district nurses. A considerable number of district nurses also came to undertake this particular training program. The relevant information regarding district nursing services was brought to Australia by Dr. Caffyn and Rev. C. Strong who were from England. They were both very instrumental when it came to setting up the first home nursing in Australia which was known as the Melbourne District Nursing Society (204). According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the first State to introduce a district nursing service in Australia was that of Victoria in 1885. It was then followed by South Australia in the year 1894, then came Tasmania in 1896, New South Wales, Queensland, and Western Australia in 1900, 1904, and 1905 respectively. One notable nursing service was the Blue Nursing Service. According to the history of Blue care, Blue care started off being known as the Blue Nursing Services. The service came to be through the vision and urgings of Rev. Arthur Preston, who was the founder. There was a great shortage of hospital beds in Australia and the nursing bodies that were in existence then were not able to cope with the demands of an ever growing population. This was the reason the founders saw the need to establish a new home nursing service to cater for this rising need. In 1977, together with the Methodist and Presbyterian churches, Blue Nursing was seen as a uniting factor in Australia. It is evident from the history of district nursing that the establishment of all nursing organizations was triggered by identified health care needs present in the society. At fist, focus was mainly at the poor, disadvantaged, and the sick. Services were however later made accessible to everyone in society. This was attributed to the government started issuing subsidies to most of these organizations. Nursing institutions today operate in very different structures and also under different support like voluntary bodies, local government, and hospitals. At the same time, nurses working in these organizations share one common goal and commitment: that of providing quality care in the society. There has been new demand on those nurses working in the society caused by the increased development of both technological and medical services. This has its results as people are now being discharged from hospitals earlier and also at a more accurate stage of sickness. Nurses have been forced to further and upgrade their current education so that they can keep up with helping and providing quality care to the community. For Australia, district nursing is a record of success. Realizing their extended roles as nurses which are based on their expertise, experience, as well as knowledge is crucial if at all effectiveness is to be maintained in delivery of their services.

How I would interpret and stage the supernatural in ‘Macbeth’ Essay

Macbeth is a thrilling, tragic play written by William Shakespeare. Macbeth was written in the early sixteen hundreds, however the play is set in the early 11th century. The play was written in the Jacobean times, during this time King James the first wrote a book called ‘Demonology’. This book was based on witchcraft, which was contemporary at the time. This could of inspired Shakespeare to incorporate the supernatural into Macbeth. The opening of Macbeth is very dramatic and theatrical. It opens with thunder and lightening this is visually arresting. In those days they would have used torches or candles to create the lightening and probably a sheet of metal, which they would shake to generate the illusion of thunder. However compared to the effects of today this is all very basic. In today’s world lasers are used to produce the false impression of lightening. These modern methods of creating illusions are visually stimulating, but as the language in the sixteen hundreds is much more complex as it uses a lot of imagery; this can be mentally stimulating as it creates images in your mind you, which can be just as effective as new technology. You can see this when Lady Macbeth says. â€Å"Come you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty;† (Lady Macbeth Act 1, Scene V. Lines 38-41) During the thunder and lightening three witches enter, they only appear in three scenes of the play but their effect is all persuasive. Every time the witches speak it is very important what they have to say. Even though the witches are cackling they have to be clear enough as the audience needs to know what is said. When the witches speak they have a chanting sound. This is created by rhyming couplets â€Å"again† and â€Å"rain† this is followed by a tipple rhyme â€Å"done† â€Å"won† â€Å"sun†. In this opening scene the witches say two important things. The first is that they are going to meet with Macbeth. â€Å"There to meet with Macbeth.† (Third Witch Act 1 Scene 1 Line 8) The second is, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair;† (All Witches Act1 Scene1 Lines 11-12) This is saying that what is good and innocent on the outside, maybe bad and corrupt on the inside. This is referring to Macbeth. These quotes raise questions amongst the audience – Why? Why Macbeth? However the answers lie in the audiences understanding of witchcraft and how it creates mischief and evil. These ideas are contemporary to Shakespeare even though the play is set 500 years earlier. Macbeth is the instrument of witches because the witches know that there is something in him which is bad and corrupt hence â€Å"Fair is Foul, and foul is fair† saying. This scene echoes a major theme of the play which is, â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair;† (All Witches Act1 Scene1 Lines 11-12). This saying could affect how you would make the witches appear. I think if I was directing Macbeth, I would make at least one of the witches look attractive and young to show innocence, because this would prove that â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair;† However in Shakespeare makes the witches look old and withered, you know this when the witches meet with Macbeth and Banquo, and Banquo describes them when he says. â€Å"What are these, So withered, and so wild in their attrie, That look not like th’ inhabitants o’ th’ earth,† (Banquo Act1 Scene3 lines 39-41) This is traditional interpretation on how the witches look like. The witches cannot kill people personally so they use people or the weather as instruments to do it for them. At the beginning of Act 1 scene 3 we learn how limited the witches powers are. They tell us a story about a sailor’s wife and how they keep her husband out to sea by manipulating the weather. â€Å"I’ll drain him dry as hay;† (First Witch Act1 Scene3 line 19) Some people argue weather that this part with the witches should not be in the play as they say it slows down the excitement of the play, and this would be the time during the play when the audience would get up for some refreshments. Nevertheless I think that this is a vital part of the play as it may explain why the witches have involved Macbeth into their wicked ways to cause pandemonium and evil. In Act 1 Scene 3 Macbeth says his first words in the play these are: â€Å"So foul and fair a day I have not seen.† (Act1 Scene3 line38) These words echo what the witches said at the end of Act1 Scene1, and this links Macbeth with the witches straight away. If I were directing the play I would have Macbeth and Banquo at the back of the stage and the witches in front of them, to emphasize there evil I would have a red spotlight shone on the witches and a smoke machine to create an eerie atmosphere. Macbeth and Banquo then see the witches and they greet each other. Each of the witches greet Macbeth personally the first witch says â€Å"All hail Macbeth , hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!† (Act1 Scene 3 Line 46) â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!† (Act1 Scene 3 Line 47,48) â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, that shalt be King here after!† (Line 49,50) As you can see each comment becomes higher in rank, to King. Banquo response is. â€Å"Are ye fantastical† (Act 1 Scene 3 Line 53) Then Banquo asks the witches to tell him his own future. The witches reply and say: â€Å"Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.† â€Å"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail Macbeth and Banquo!† These comments that the witches say have now set the events in motion by motivating Macbeth, this has also sealed Banquo fate as Macbeth would need to kill him so that he cant be farther consequently Macbeth’s family is on the throne longer. Banquo is right to mistrust them and he warns Macbeth when he says: â€Å"And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us honest trifles, to betray’s In deepest consequence† (Banquo Act 1 Scene 3 Line 124-127) This sums up exactly how the witches work they use people as instruments to manipulate them. Macbeth wants to know more about these preposterous comments made by the Witches, but all of a sudden they vanish. In Shakespearian times they would of used a trap door to create the effect of a disappearance. However today a trap door is still used. When the witches tell Macbeth about the future, it could have awoken or planted the seeds of evil within his soul. The word â€Å"murder† comes into his mind and â€Å"Horrible imaginings†. However the witches cant guide him all the way to evil it will be up to himself and his wife. But he could still hope to be crowed he says, â€Å"Chance they crown me†. As of Scottish succession, which could make him king because if all the royals who are in battle die in Scotland’s war against Norway, he could be the last man standing this makes his crime double heinous. By the time we see the witches again. Macbeth has murdered Duncan, his best friend Banquo and has become a tyrant. However before this there are two instances of the supernatural. The first is when Macbeth is about to execute the kill on King Duncan. He sees a dagger, he goes for it and Macbeth’s hand goes right through it. â€Å"A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?† (Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 38-39) This could have been sent by the witches to give him a push but it is unnecessary as he is already going in that direction, consequently the witches influence no longer matters because he has already taken control. He then draws his own dagger, but all of a sudden the vision changes to a bloody dagger. â€Å"And on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, Which was not so before.† (Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 lines 46-47) Then Macbeth starts to talk about which craft Pale Hecate and murder. In them days the stories about Pale Hecate are relevant so Shakespeare puts them in so that the audience can create there own supernatural images. However today you would not include it because of the technology available to create holograms and illusions with lasers. You can see this in Polanski’s version of the play he uses lasers to create the dagger. The other instance of the supernatural is when Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost in Act 3 Scene 4. You could stage this in 2 ways. You could have the actor that played Banquo made to look like a ghost, or you could have nothing there so that you would see Macbeth talking to a stool. I would have him talking to a stool because if you had a ghost the audience will see that he is actually seeing one, but if I don’t, and you have Macbeth talking to a stool the audience will believe that he had gone insane. Shakespeare keeps the throne where Macbeth sits empty because this will be the place where the ghost appears, so he has Macbeth socializing with his friends. â€Å"Ourself will mingle with society,† (Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 line 2) Then Macbeth sees that the tables full because Banquo is sitting in his place. Only Macbeth can see the ghost and that’s why Lennox says â€Å"Here is a place reserved, sir.† (Lennox Act 3 Scene 4 line 45) Macbeth recognises the ghost of Banquo is sat in his place at the table; he believes this is a joke by someone who may know he called for Banquo’s murder. ‘Which of you have done this?’ (Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4 line 48) In Act 4 Scene 1 Macbeth goes to consult the witches, this own decision to do this. Therefore the witches have captivated Macbeth. The opening of this scene is really about giving the audience a thrill. The witches are conducting an evil spell they use horrible ingredients for it like, â€Å"Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,† (Second witch Act 4 Scene 1 line14) In them days this would of pleased the groundlings. If I were to stage this scene I would have a big cauldron in the middle of the stage with all the witches gathered around, I would have a red spot light shone on them all and a smoke machine so it would look like the cauldron is giving off smoke, this would create an hazy atmosphere. For the ingredients I would have them as nasty and as uninviting as possible this would make the witches even more repulsive to the audience, therefore entertaining the audience. Once they have finished the spell Macbeth knocks at the door of the witches home, then ironically a witch says, â€Å"By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes:† (Second witch Act 4 Scene1line 45) Macbeth enters the witch’s home a he is determined to know the future, no matter what the cost. â€Å"I conjure you, by that which you profess, however you come to know it, answer me.† (Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 line 50-51) The witches oblige him with three apparitions. The 1st apparition is an armed head this could be interpreted as Macduff, or Macbeth’s head or ‘the head of rebellion’. The 2nd apparition is a bloody child. This is referring to Macbeth being ripped from his mother’s womb untimely. This could imply that he was born via cesarean section which in them days was not normal this could explain why Macbeth has turned wicked. The last apparition is a child crowned with a tree in his hand; this could be interpreted as Malcolm or James 1st. They all assume that Malcolm is intended in that he gives the order to hew down branches, although it could be about James 1st. It was known that James 1st was crowned in the cradle, so the tree could be a family tree. Shakespeare would of stages these apparitions using just actors and props, for the armed head they could of used a fake head with armor on it, and for the other two apparitions they could of just used a real child and used make up to create the illusion of blood. However in the 21st century the effects you can create for this scene are overwhelming for the armed head its possible to have a real head floating in mid-air, this can be done using holograms. The same techniques could be used to create illusions for the rest of the apparitions. If I were to stage ‘Macbeth’ today I would make a film rather than a play doing this would enable me to input more special effects. I would go along the same route as Pulaski’s version because I liked how he made one of the witches young and beautiful to echo the â€Å"Fair is foul† saying. After reading the play, I’m bewildered, how could a potential hero be so taken in, unless he wanted to be? I think from birth Macbeth had something evil in him that needed someone or something to trigger the evilness off, so I believe that the witches were the ones that pulled the trigger that resulted in the total destruction of Macbeth.