
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

Shocking stories of trafficked children forced into slavery is often cited in newspapers. Children are trafficked for sexual exploitation, slavery, etc. Children from poor families from Africa, Southeast Asia, etc. are lured with dreams of migrating to Europe or America and gaining a better life. But instead, they are caught in the web of servitude.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Trafficking in children is a global problem that has serious consequences to the present and future generations. An estimated number of 1 to 1.2 million children is trafficked globally annually (Beyrer 2004). The global trafficking industry is estimated to have a turnover of more than $10 million and 50 percent of this is child trafficking (UNICEF 2005). Children are sold as commodities in this web of international trade. They are sold in foreign countries or int ernally usually from rural to urban areas. The enslavement of children results in millions of victims who are abused, smuggled and traded. These victims face cruel assault on their security and solemnity. Child trafficking violates many core human rights, as it is a severe attack on human dignity. These children become victims of different forms of exploitation like sexual exploitation, forced labour, removal of organs etc. (Larsen 2011). Sexual exploitation of children being trafficked is a major problem is regions like Southeast Asia (Rafferty 2007), EU (Staiger 2005), Canada (Grover 2006), etc. One of the main issues related to trafficking of children is how rampant is the problem and the identification of the victim. Further, trafficking of children poses concern for policymakers from both the countries where trafficking occurs and those where these children are trafficked. Issues related to the prevention and subsequent rehabilitation of the trafficked children is observed in m any developed countries. This paper discusses the various facets of child trafficking and its related issue of sexual exploitation of the trafficked children. Further, the paper sheds light on the trafficking of children in Canada. In order to understand the problem related to child trafficking it is necessary to define the term trafficking. Trafficking is defined under Article 3 of the United Nations Protocol as the process of â€Å"recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion †¦ for the purpose of exploitation.† (UNICEF 2005:11)Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The definition clearly identifies the process of trafficking as a serious impingement to human rights and as an illegal activity. Further, the protocol clearly identifies the case of child trafficking as different fr om that of women or male adult trafficking, as it concerns a minor. The nature of the trafficking crime becomes more intense as a minor gets into the trap of the trafficker due to deceit. The nature of exploitation of the children trafficked are varied in nature. According to the protocol exploitation is defined as â€Å"at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs† (UNICEF 2005:11). The exploitative nature of child trafficking makes it more severely inhuman as an activity. Trafficking is a criminal act even though the definition many times does not explicitly mention it to be illegal. There is a definite lack of proper identification and data maintained for the number of trafficked children, but the number is huge and it is increasing consistently every year. The exploitative nature of trafficking is abundantly clear. Children ar e trafficked for various exploitative purposes that include forced labour, sexual exploitation, marriage, domestic labour, military recruitment, and most heinously, for their organs. However, most of these children are trafficked for sex trade. An estimated number of 1.8 million children in 2000, according to International Labour Organization (ILO), are traded into prostitution or pornographic industry. (UNICEF 2005; Staiger 2005) These children become victims of extreme form of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Children are widely being recruited in conflict zones in armies or militia (Beyrer 2004; UNICEF 2005). The role of the children varies in such outfits where they work as soldiers, cooks, messengers, porters or sexual partners. Girls in conflict zones are extremely vulnerable to sexual abuse. Children join such outfits due to extreme poverty or are abducted. In EU, children are trafficked for sexual exploitation from Central and Eastern European countries (Staiger 20 05). Children above the age of 14 years are forced by poverty or gender related factors to succumb to traffickers. For instance, trafficking of Nepalese girls for sexual exploitation is largely related to domestic gender differences (Rafferty 2007).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In such countries, children are recruited mainly through the Internet, and transported to the EU countries. Germany is one of the destinations for children trafficked for sexual exploitation from Czech, Russia and Ukraine (Staiger 2005). Italy, Greece, and Belgium are destination for Albanian kids to be trafficked (Staiger 2005). Why there is a rise in global trafficking of children? The reason lies in the widening gap between the poor and the rich, as the latter has access to greater chunk of the already scarce resources. The structural reasons that are driving child trafficking is demand for cheap child labour, especially those who can be controlled and continuously monitored. An ILO estimate reveals that in 2003 there were 8 million children living under debt bondage mostly due to trafficking (Beyrer 2004) and more than 2 million children trafficked globally are exploited for sexual labour (Rafferty 2007). Omnivorous sex trade is also in demand, but girls are mostly in demand among traffickers as heterosexual sex trade has a greater demand. Sexual abusers may be paedophile abuser, prostitution, pornographic industry, and sex tourism (Rafferty 2007). Canada, like many other developed countries, is destination for child traffickers. Children are brought in the country in crowded cargoes in ships in inhuman condition without food or water or ventilation (Grover 2006). These children are forced into prostitution or in the pornographic industry. However, there is an increasing problem of identification of these children. Further, the Canadia n government is yet to provide a refugee status to the child victims of trafficking that add to their woes, even after they are rehabilitated, in a foreign land (Grover 2006). A video report on child trafficking and child sex industry in Cambodia shows how young girls are lured into the sex industry (Journeyman Pictures 2007). The video demonstrates how the children are driven into prostitution at an early age of 10 years. The video shows mostly the mothers sell their young daughters into the sex industry and it is due to poverty. the report shows that though it is believed that the Cambodian child sex industry developed due to demand from foreign tourists of virgins. But actually, Cambodian men demand for virgin girls, for which this industry developed. Child trafficking is a growing problem globally. The way to counter is not only identification of the victims but also through prevention of the incidence of trafficking. In many cases the children are so brutally abused and traumat ized, rehabilitation is of hardly any use to them.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The aim should be preventing and absolutely doing away with child trafficking rather than identification and protection of victims. However, it is difficult for the government to prevent or stop trafficking for sex trade for a few reasons. First as it is difficult to ascertain the age of the trafficked person and the reason for which she is trafficked. References Beyrer, Chris. 2004. â€Å"Global Child Trafficking.† Lancet 364(1):16-17. Grover, Sonja. 2006. â€Å"Denying Right of Trafficked Minors to be Classed as Convention Refugees: The Canadian Case Example.† The International Jornal of Chindren’s Rights 14:235-249. Journeyman Pictures. 2007. â€Å"Stolen Innocence – Cambodia.† YouTube. Retrieved (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ieL2PezjE). Larsen, Jacqueline J. 2011. â€Å"The trafficking of children in the Asia-Pacific.† Trends and Issues in crime and criminal justice, Australian Institute of Criminology, Australian Governement. Raffe rty, Yvonne. 2007. â€Å"Children for Sale: Child Trafficking in Southeast Asia.† Child Abuse Review 16:401-422. Staiger, Ines. 2005. â€Å"Trafficking in Children for the purpose of Sexual Exploitation in the EU.† European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 13(4):603-624. UNICEF. 2005. â€Å"Combating Child Trafficking.† UNICEF. Retrieved (https://www.unicef.org/publications/index_33882.html). This essay on Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation was written and submitted by user Konner Little to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Epicenter vs. Center

Epicenter vs. Center Epicenter vs. Center Epicenter vs. Center By Simon Kewin In an article on the BBC website just recently, the head of a computer game industry body described the city of Dundee as the epicentre for the industry in Scotland. A little earlier, in an article about renewable energy on the same site, the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, described the city of Glasgow as the epicentre for renewable energy engineering. Now, either someone has been secretly building a network of vast tunnels underneath Scottish cities, or these are two examples of a widely misused and misunderstood word. Epicenter (epicentre in British English) refers to a point over or above the centre of something. It is most commonly used to identify the point on the Earths surface that lies directly above the focus of an earthquake. Increasingly, however, the term is used in a vague and lazy way to make the word center seem more dramatic and interesting. Reporters are forever standing at the epicenter of something, apparently unaware that the events they describe must, logically, be happening underground. Of course, you could argue that epicenter is a word whose meaning is in transition; that it is acquiring a secondary sense of, simply, center (especially the center of something dramatic or calamitous.) For now, the best advice is not to confuse the two. Center and epicenter are two perfectly good words, meaning two different things. You can read more from Simon on his blog, Spellmaking. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?Writing the CenturyEnglish Grammar 101: Sentences, Clauses and Phrases

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Process and Project Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Process and Project Systems - Essay Example ome, visiting some bank, airport, railway station, bakery or a shopping mall, a school, college or a university, you will find the application of this very important machine every where. Now, with the advancement of science and technology, super computers have been developed which is the most advanced type of computers till now. Super computers carry out highly sensitive tasks such as in aeronautical laboratories, or space stations etc. This is a simulated project for the construction of Centre for Technology in Government (CTG) which has the area around 250,000 square feet. It is actually a facility that is exclusively designed to place world class super computers and nuclear weapon design staff. Since working on nuclear weapons is a highly a sensitive task, equally sensitive is the case with the construction of this CTG. This place is aimed to further the previous developments carried out in this field but in a safe and secure environment with professionalism. Since it is a large project that has to cater for the country’s current as well as the future needs, it is highly desirable that its construction should be done after pondering upon various aspects and their proper integration or link should be developed. from the point of view of a constructor, by integration I mean that there should be a thorough understanding of the previous needs as well as the prediction of the needs in the times to come i.e. fu ture; as it is a very costly project, the building should be constructed in a way that it remains workable in future, for example, if currently we need 10 super computers, the building should be designed to house 30 computers, no matter currently the space for 20 computers will be practically unused. This type of planning is necessary because at that time when 30 computers will be needed, there will be enough space to house them. On the contrary if it does not happen i.e. no space is left for future needs, then certainly a new CTG will be constructed; it will

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Choose one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Choose one - Essay Example As I was reading the text, I felt compelled to verify the facts that were presented against my own personal experience of growing up in a major East Coast city. It is always a treat to re-examine my own home town from someone else's perspective. Without a doubt I found Jacobs' poignant assessment of city life was something with which I could strongly identify. Each section of the text highlights a critical aspect of the city that becomes through Jacobs' voice a substantial statement about the inner workings of the urban community. At first glance some of the subject matter might seem peripheral but for the exceptional insight and understanding demonstrated by the author. I didn't know that a man-made landscape could be considered a living organism until Jacobs made the reference to a city being a kind of ecosystem. Everything needs to be balanced and in harmony for all of the occupants to survive in such a fragile place. Nothing makes you think "city" more than the idea of the sidewalk, which is the pedestrian's portion of a city street. Investigating the sidewalk is surely an essential component to gaining an understanding of any urban community. In a crowded city filled with businesses, municipal structures, and parked cars these are just about the only public spaces left for people to spend their time. A safe place to walk is only one of the many functions that the sidewalk fills in a typical city. The sidewalk is like a living conduit that connects all of the separate houses and turns them in to a neighborhood. In a big city, the sidewalks seem to go on and on forever. You could imagine that it would take years to explore all of the streets in even a modest sized community. Like most inner city kids, I spent my entire youth playing on the sidewalk. The streets where I lived were always buzzing with activity. In the mornings many small children marched past my house on the way to the local elemen tary school. Adults strolled to their cars and sped off to work, while the elderly folks tended the garden or simply sat on the stoop socializing. The corner store two doors down from me was another hub of intense movement. Many different people would come and go at slightly different hours of the day, so that there was a constant stream of foot traffic. There were the morning deliveries of newspapers and mail. Maintenance workers and meter readers seemed to visit on a regular basis. Cars carrying tourists who got lost on their way to the airport would occasionally cruise past and stop to have a look. At dusk the teenagers would carouse and mingle. A variety of people used the sidewalk each day for their own purposes, and sometimes those lives would intersect with each other. As Jacobs states, "lowly, unpurposeful and random as they may appear, sidewalk contacts are the small change from which a city's wealth of public life may grow" (95). As I look back I can see that I had lived in a healthy community. There were other neighborhoods that I knew about which were decidedly unhealthy. The local housing projects for example were the places that my friends and I scrupulously avoided. For some reason these tenements were tucked away in a part of the city that was easy to bypass. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Operating system as a heart of the computer Essay

Operating system as a heart of the computer - Essay Example Operating systems are what most people use to interact with computers today. Desktop and laptop computers come with pre-loaded operating systems, and it is through these that the users interact with the software and applications. The operating system also takes care of all the processes so the user doesn't have to be a computer expert to use his machine. Operating systems are all about making computers available to the average person, with little technical knowledge required. Just as there are many types of computers, there are different types of operating systems. Most people know about single-user, multi-tasking operating systems, such as like Windows and Mac OS, which are on desktop and laptop personal computers. These systems are designed for one person to use to run many applications at once. (Coustan and Franklin) It is not just personal computers that have operating systems, however. Operating systems that have virtually no user interface capability and are running machines that are imbedded in various objects, like computers in cars, are known as real-time operating systems. Cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDA) use single-user, single task operating systems, as the equipment is designed to perform only one task at a time. There are also multi-user operating systems that allow many users to use the machine at the same time. A mainframe computer system is an example of this. (Coustan and Franklin) A single-user, multi-tasking o... (Coustan and Franklin) In managing the processor, the operating system has to make sure that the processor's power is being allocated around in the most efficient way possible. The operating system gives priority to background processes that need to run, such as virus checking and memory management. Applications are the programs with which the user is directly working, such as an internet browser, word processing program, or a video game. By managing the processor, the operating system will not allow the applications to take processor power away from the processes that need to run for the system to function properly. (Coustan and Franklin) Memory management goes hand in hand with processor management, as the operating system needs to allocate memory for the processes and applications to run efficiently. The operating system and drivers for hardware take up memory, and the operating system must allocate the remaining memory needed for applications. There are four different types of memory that all must be managed: Disk storage - The operating system allocates data to available spots on the hard disk, a practice known as virtual memory management High-speed cache - The operating system predicts which pieces of data the computer will need to access and stores them in this fast, temporary cache for quicker performance. Main memory - This is the RAM that specifies how much memory your machine has when you buy a new computer. Secondary memory - This is the memory that keeps the data from active applications available. (Coustan and Franklin) In device management, the operating system also talks to the hardware in the computer by way of programs called drivers. Drivers are used so that the operating system doesn't have to keep track of hundreds of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Environment Preferences of Woodlice: An Experiment

Environment Preferences of Woodlice: An Experiment Do Woodlice prefer damp or dry environments? Woodlice are commonly mistaken for insects. Although they tend to live in woodland areas, Woodlice closest relatives are actually Crabs, Shrimp and Lobsters, with all 4 belonging to Kingdom Crustacea (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). Crustaceans characteristically live in aquatic or damp habitats. They have cephalothoraxes and lack a water proof exoskeleton (Kent, 2000). Due to their exoskeleton not being waterproof, dry environments are bad for woodlice (Kent, 2000). Water can be lost from their bodies via transpiration leaving them very vulnerable to desiccation (Anselme, 2013). Their size would indicate that transpiration can occur very quickly, preventing them from venturing very far from their usual damp habitat. They are terrestrial arthropods but are thought to have evolved from sea dwelling animals such as a Trilobite (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). Most crustaceans breathe via gills, and therefore need to constantly be close to water sources in order to breathe (Pond, 1990). It can therefore be deduced that woodlice (as crustaceans) need to keep close to water sources in order to survive. Woodlice are actually nocturnal, emerging at night to feed and socialise (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). They moult throughout their growth, and at the point of the actual moult they are very vulnerable, other woodlice will actively fight over a freshly moulted woodlouse until one wins and consumes it (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). The purpose of this experiment is to find out if woodlice prefer damp or dry environments. The woodlice will be introduced into choice chambers which are half damp and half dry and allocated a period of time before counting how many have settled in each area. The damp area will be made damp via tap water as woodlice are sensitive to pH (Souty-Grosset et al, 2005). Anselme, 2013 stated that woodlice seemed to remain immobile in environments that it was deemed to favour. Therefore, this experiment will rely on the woodlice immobilising within a set period of time (10 minutes) before collecting the results. Woodlice are known as â€Å"decomposers† (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). Everything decays and decomposes faster in damp areas, and although there is a lot of evidence that woodlice require the damp to breathe, it may also be possible that they associate damp areas with food sources and so show a preference for damp environments. The hypothesis is â€Å"Woodlice prefer damp to dry environments.† Materials and Methods 10 Woodlice Choice chamber with gauze Wet and dry kitchen roll Pot to collect woodlice in Stop watch 10 woodlice were located in a nearby woodland area and placed into the collection pot ready to transport. The choice chamber was then set up. Using the divided areas of the choice chamber, half the chamber was filled with damp kitchen roll and the other half with dry kitchen roll. The gauze was then placed on top of the kitchen roll and finally the lid was put on the top. The 10 woodlice were subsequently introduced to the middle of the choice chamber. They were then timed and observed for 10 minutes before being counted in their final locations. This experiment was then repeated under exactly the same conditions and more results were collected. A control experiment was then performed to ensure that the woodlice were not influenced by other factors when choosing their area to settle within the choice chamber. Results In the first experiment, after the allocated 10 minutes, 1 woodlouse became still in the dry area, the remaining 9 settled in the damp area. In the second experiment 2, after the allocated 10 minutes, 2 woodlice settled in the dry area and 8 were found in the damp area. In the control experiment, the sample woodlice were allocated the same 10 minutes in order to chose where to settle. 6 woodlice stopped in one half of the choice chamber and 4 in the other. Discussion The results are quite clear; the majority of the sample woodlice chose to reside in the damp area of the choice chamber in both experiment one and experiment two. The control experiment showed that the woodlice preference was purely based on the variables of the experiment. It is possible that less woodlice went to the damp side in the second experiment due to becoming saturated with water so sought out dryer areas to dry out (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). To avoid this affecting the results, the woodlice could have been given more time between experiments. It was unclear whether the woodlice sample contained different species, and woodlice ability to survive for longer in dryer areas depends on the amount of gills they have (www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/woodlice_info.pdf accessed 10/10/14). The species of the sample was unknown, although after viewing some diagrams, it was suspected to be â€Å"Porcellio Scaber† (McGavin, 2000). Further research could compare different species and their preferences of environments. The woodlice all seemed to settle and become still after around 4 minutes of exploring their new surroundings. Their settling was taken as a sign on their preference of area (Anselme 2013). Although it did seem the exploration of the choice chamber was random, during experiment 1 a smaller woodlouse actually mounted a larger woodlouse. Its fate was therefore dependent on the choices of its carrier, not its own. This may have affected the validity of the results. The sample size was very small, which makes the experiments results very limited and therefore a repeat of this experiment would require a larger sample group to collect more varied, accurate results. The amount of water used to create the damp side was not regulated. In order to keep things the same, the water should have been measured and the exact same amount of paper towel should have been used each time. The experiment could be repeated several times in order to work out a more accurate average choice of the woodlouse. The control experiment should have been performed first so there was no chance the sample had associated a side of the choice chamber with a certain variable. A choice chamber is an effective way of finding preference; however it was not a realistic living environment. Damp and Dry soil could have given more reliable, realistic results as it imitates the environment the sample were found in. The sample woodlice were all collected from the same area. These woodlice were already living in damp conditions, which was a good indicator as to their preferred habitat. The sample could have been collected from various habitats to prove that given the choice, all woodlice prefer a damper environment. It can be concluded that, on average, the woodlice sample chose to settle in the damp environment than the dry environment, as was hypothesised. REFERENCES ANSELME, P. (2013) Preference for rich, random tactile stimulation in woodlice. Learning and motivation. (44), 326 – 336 BADENHAUSSER, I. SOUTY-GROSSET, C. REYNOLDS, J.D. MOREL, A. (2005) Investigations on the potential of woodlice as bioindicators of grassland habitat quality. European Journal of Soil Biology 41, 109–116 KENT, M. (2000) Advanced Biology. Oxford: Oxford university press. Page 488-489 MCGAVIN, G.C. (2000) Insects, spiders and other terrestrial arthropods. London: Dorling Kindersley ltd. Page 212 POND, C.M. (1990) Biology form and function: Diversity of Organisms. Kent: Hodder and Stoughton. Page 95 Sylvanus Archaeological, Natural History Illustration Services[online] Welcome to the Weird and Wonderful World of Woodlice! Norwich. Available from: http://www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/Woodlice_Info.pdf [accessed 10/10/14] BIBLIOGRAPHY ANSELME, P. (2013) Preference for rich, random tactile stimulation in woodlice. Learning and motivation. (44), 326 336 SPENCER, J.O. and EDNEY, E.B. (1954) The absorption of water by woodlice. Birmingham University:Zoology Department Sylvanus Archaeological, Natural History Illustration Services[online] Welcome to the Weird and Wonderful World of Woodlice! Norwich. Available from: http://www.sylvanusservices.com/resources/Woodlice_Info.pdf [accessed 10/10/14] POND, C.M. (1990) Biology form and function: Diversity of Organisms. Kent: Hodder and Stoughton. Page 95 McGavin, G.C. (2000) Insects, spiders and other terrestrial arthropods. London: Dorling Kindersley ltd. Page 212 Kent M. (2000) Advanced Biology. Oxford: Oxford university press. Page 488-489 Impact of Art Nouveau: Influences on Interior Design Impact of Art Nouveau: Influences on Interior Design My proposal will demonstrates that Art Nouveau was an artistic movement that took different directions in each country, how does this art movement changes the place of the world and affect all forms of visual culture. Furthermore, the impacts it has on architectures and interior design in the Art Nouveau movement. I will also demonstrates a New York architect whos work has relate to my design practice as inspiration. I was interested in Hector Guimards historic and refined architectures inspired me a lot, especially the Paris metro station. I like the dazzling virtuosity of wrought ironwork, as well as the floral designs and the unique letterform that was applied on the Paris metro entrance. Besides, the silhouettes of the metro entrance were symmetrical and it was designed to catch the eye and the surface decorations are elegant. He employs endless wealth of nature forms in architecture. Guimard architectures are essentially characterized for the naturalistic ornamentation and sophisticated design based on plant, his design idea is borrowed from nature and subsequently translates the contour of nature into architecture. I particularly like his bold use of materials and colour, such as the vibrant green he apply on the Paris metro entrance. In my own design practice, Hector Guimards architectures have an impact on my design in terms of the highly detailed surface ornamentation on architectures, the bold colour and distinctive appearance of his historic architectures have inspired me in my design where historical and contemporary design are incorporated into one design. On the other side, I found that the Art Nouveau glassware, architectures and interior design have truly inspired me a lot on detailed decorative designs and the use of plants as ornaments for interior decoration. The rich colours of Art Nouveau glassware have combined the beauty in nature and this is one of the reason I love everything that was produced during this art movement. The motif in my design practice encompasses all the characteristics of Art Nouveau, comprising the inspiration are derived from plants forms and the decorative surface. This book very clearly and thoroughly discusses how elements of Art Nouveau were absorbed into Art Deco after the World War I and how Art Nouveau styles of tile-making have been revived in the 1980s and 1990s. The book is very useful in determining why this was so and demonstrating the cultural significance this type of decoration had at the time. Verbrugge gives a detailed explanation of Art Nouveau was an attempt to give a new direction to nineteenth century art, architecture and design and to replace the prevailing historical style at the time. Additionally, the book also looks at how architects incorporate Art Nouveau ceramic decorations in buildings. This book demonstrates the many ways in which furniture not only offered Art Nouveau designers the opportunity to use their favourite sinuous curves and floral decorations, but also gave them free rein to select variety of woods and other materials to obtain different effect; in order to decorate a space in Art Nouveau style. In addition to thorough written and illustrated examples of their use, the book shows the diversity of Art Nouveau furniture that they are characterized by their charm for ornamentation. It also discusses why Art Nouveau furniture was elaborately decorated in the nineteenth and twenty century interior and discusses their meanings in the interior. It further goes on to detail on the sources that inspired designers in decorating the interior with Art Nouveau furniture. The book explores chairs and desks were adorned by elaborately distinctive styles of ornate, sinuous shape and natural curves of design. Duncan also looks at Art Nouveau furniture designers prefer is use a wide range of wood. Pale wood comprise teak, ash and maple. While dark woods were walnut, rosewood and mahogany. Mahogany has dark grain surface, it varnished repeatedly until it acquired a rich chocolate-brown hue, imparted a feeling of wealth. In addition, the characteristics of Art Nouveau furniture are their simplicity of line, richness of material and sobriety of decoration. This book offers a wide discussion on material which it has quite obviously played an important role in Art Nouveau glass. Ricke has discusses why Art Nouveau glass is not just a material for vessels but also for works that are so close to sculpture. This is relevant to my interests in the unique and distinctive design on Art Nouveau glassware. Ricke explains when various layers and colours, deep intaglio cutting and engraving are employed on glass, it make the glass looks more distinctive effect. Besides, he aslo discusses painting on glassware is very similar of paint on wall in certain aspects. Beckers book historically locates Art Nouvea jewels took on strange unprecedented characteristics; moreover, the dramatic symbolism of themes and motifs in Art Nouveau jewels. Besides, she has also referred the main principle of Art Nouveau proposed that the aim of art was to suggest reality. Becker discusses why the Art Nouveau jewels reflect the century at the time. It chronicles the role of women is the theme for many Art Nouveau jewel designers at the time and this theme reflected in many portrayals of women in the jewels. Insects, animals, plants, nature and birds are the fantasy creature as well as greatly loved motifs in Art Nouiveau jewelry, specially the dragonfly and butterfly; they were used in endless variations. Wriggling marine plants, rippling hair and the natural curves of the female form are the inspirations for Art Nouveau jewelry designers. The decorative floral motifs can also being seen in Art Nouveau jewelry. They all dominant theme of Art Nouveau jewelry. Furth ermore, Art Nouveau motif was extensively used in jewelry for a reason of harmony in life and art. Jewelry designer has put emphasise on aesthetic to the jewelry design and the femininity that employ a powerful influence during the Art Nouveau movement conveyed through the most feminine of ornaments. This book provides an excellent contextual overview for considering how Art Nouveau jewel designers express the new spirit of the art with special emphasis on the decorative element in jewel design. The book discusses questions about jewelry was the most intense expression of the Art Nouiveau movement. It reviews the nature of Art Nouveau style suited the purpose of jewelry as adornment to feminine beauty. Wealthy family who are passiobate about their plants was uncontrollable over their jewels and how they turned the natural flowers into jewels and diamonds to be transformed into flowers are further topics in this book. Becker explains the reality of nature in Art Nouveau jewelry desig n demonstrates jewel designers keen observation of the structure of and composition of plants. The book is useful because it mentioned every jewel designers contributed their individual way to their Art Nouveau jewelry design. She has also looks at the international impact on Art Nouveau jewel. Becker explores Art Nouveau jewelry designers study the plant structure and also mentions Art Nouveau jewelry have exquiste charm and deep relationship to nature. Additionally, the most extensive influence on Art Nouveau fashion jewel design came from ancient jewelry. She also gives a detailed explanation of Art Nouveau jewelry had all the vigour and intensity of youth, they are all highly decorative, streamlined and rich in order to create an abstract linear look on jewels. Hypermasculinity And Homosexuality: African American Culture Hypermasculinity And Homosexuality: African American Culture Through past experience and research, hypermasculinity has led African American culture to be defined as a culture that strongly fights for their sign of status, and sexual aggressivity and dominance appear to be highly regarded. Research has concluded that media and false misinterpretations of hypermasculinity are the main causes, and the strong influences they have are causing these dominant, aggressive and demanding behaviours. Research has been done through personal interviews, field work and observation. Perhaps present and previous research is showing a better understanding for many cultures as to why African American men display certain characteristics, in which demonstrate power and control. Furthermore studies are creating awareness for society, although they are not justifying these behaviours as being acceptable. Introduction: Life threatening situations are brought upon us every day as we walk out the front door, into the bus or into the front doors of school. Growing up in todays society and conforming to various norms, values and behaviours in which one witnesses, is traumatic and time consuming amongst young men and women, especially young African American men. Gender roles and societies expectation are presented at such a young age, this leading to pressure and unjustified behaviours, such as drug trafficking, prostitution and pimping. Within African American society, gender roles are depicted precisely and followed. Various different ethnic groups live in different parts of the world, but the status of black males in American society has been in flux for the last several decades (Lips 2001, p.5). The reasons why all these groups must show status is to prove their images of what it means to be masculine. Sentimental, submissive and superstitious (Lips, 2001, p.5) are qualities associated with females in every country. On the other hand males are more likely to be connected to characteristics resembling dominance, forcefulness and strength (Lips, 2001, p.5). In a variety of Hip Hop, Rap music video clips, the images being portrayed of how young men must behave always consists of the same factors; dominance, power, aggressivity and the tough guy. The question of how hypermasculinity is defined in African American culture and why sexual aggressivity and dominance appear to be highly regarded within this culture, has been an ideology for many. Despite false interpretation that the media portrays, and the pressure of role models and real men, the following paper will examine the main points and answers to these questions. Furthermore it will observe the use of the term nigga and gansta from an open minded point of view. Hypermasculinity defined and expressed Hypermasculinity is an extremely important sign of status for black males. Hypermasculinity is defined in the (Oxford Dictionary) as an exaggerated masculine qualities, although this term can be negative, it is also personalized when examining these behaviours as adaptive or maladaptive impassively. The term gansta for example comes from the word gangster, which means a criminal who is a part of a gang; who would want to be viewed as a criminal. The other term often miss used, is the word pimp. A pimp, is an agent for prostitutes who lives off their earnings (Oxford Dictionary). Today pimp is being used to refer to guys who sleep with many girls, or the ones who can pick up any girl they want. Where will society draw the line, and who comes to decide whether one corresponds to the definition of a man an adult human male, sometimes also used to identify a male human regardless of age, as in phrases such as mens rights (Oxford Dictionary). DeReef examines African American behaviour and defines masculinity to the degree where a male is able to successfully manifest their attributes (DeReef, F. J. 2006, p.46). These behaviours are being shown in different ways where males are modifying or distorting their real behaviours in order to conform into society, as to what seems to be correctly acceptable. Over a long period of time until today black compulsive masculinity has been a dysfunctional response to solving racial domination and has been causing more problems within the environment. In other words black compulsive behaviours is an ideology composed of African consciousness, in which has created a reactionary masculinity in many African American males who seek to imitate their white male counterparts (DeReef, F.J. 2006, p. 47). According to Wolfe African American males strongly believe it is hard to achieve masculine identity through usual work or responsibilities. They are justifying their behaviours through assumption s in which they believe that they are the only ones who must work hard and have responsibilities in order to achieve masculine identity. Maladaptive hypermasculine behaviours such as drug trafficking, or being a pimp are the ones being justified because there is not enough employment opportunities given to black men. There has been a correlation between joblessness and higher incidence of various maladaptive behaviours. Hypersexuality and homophobia Black males, especially young men are so afraid to be referred to as wimps, or homos, that they have even created the term no homo (Masculinity, homophobia and Hip Hop, n.d ),. The term No homo must be said at the end of each sentence, in order for people not to think they sound gay, or they said something gay. During an interview regarding the term no homo, males claimed not to be reinforcing that their not gay because they know theyre not, but they are just making sure that when they speak others dont assume theyre gay. Homophobia is a big issue that has aroused and has become serious within the generation today. Elijah G.Ward, discusses how the black churches are also encouraging homophobia amongst black males and most of the time those who are against homosexuality are uncertain of their own sexuality and fear that they will be categorised as a community. This strongly emphasizes their powerful beliefs that heterosexuality is the right way. Many cultures do not support homosexual ity, a significant amount of black people according to Elijah G. Ward, see homosexual relationships as unacceptable and morality wrong p.494. In the black community a famous gansta-rapper Ice Cube has implanted in one of his famous songs true niggers aint gay (Ward, G.E .2005, p. 497). Homosexuality is seen to be a sign of weakness and is associated with feminine characteristics, these also encouraging labels towards men such as fags or queers. The black church strongly enforces that homosexuality is not what a man is and a man should be violent, demanding and have control. Their main priorities are their labels and they pay close attention, not to be called sissies which is the opposite of being cool. They want to portray that hard core gansta rapper role model who is an intensified, black male cultural reflection of patriarchy, sexism, hetorosexism and gansta-style (Ward, G. E. 2005, p. 497). Violent behaviours and gansta Throughout history, the black population have undergone several changes some harder to adapt to then others. The main issue with behaviours constantly changing and deviance sometimes being accepted, is when you adapt to an aggressive dominant behaviour you dont want to let go of that control you have obtained. A problem which has occurred and is important to understand is to know the difference between, understanding what you have been told and believing and making your own judgements accordingly; if it is right. For example in the black society it is a sign of status, to sleep with as many women as possible. William, A. Wolfe, summarize in their article that it is right to deceive a girl in order to have sex with her (Wiliam, A. Wolfe 2003, p 848) and that they dont believe in the use of the condom for a simple reason that they would be undermining their masculinity (Wiliam, A. Wolfe 2003, p. 848).Black males have been socialized into using their penis as a way to achieve manhood . Different expectations within a culture or society and how values have changed over time. This has also caused many African American women to fear their partners, and studies say that a woman has been in an abusive relationship is more likely not to speak up and fight her partner. In regards to sexuality and power the black African American society believes that when sexual aggression exists in a relationship (Wiliam, A. Wolfe 2003, p. 848 ), this shows violence is involved therefore he is a man; concluding violence is manly. Adolescent black males are also accounted for having a higher victimization rate than any other racial or age group (Gregory,S. 2007, p 371). African American women compare to their counter parts are the ones to usually get involved in abusive relationships and stay quiet due to their surroundings and or an abusive father. African American women are more vulnerable and listen to their partners when they use aggressive behaviours. This also brings out statist ics which show that over fifty percent of babies are born to minor females, fathered by African American men. They also show that the father is usually on average 26.1 years older (Wiliam, A. Wolfe 2003, p. 849.From this one can clearly conclude that a young African American female is no way has interpersonal skills and dominance over her partner to demand the use of a condom. Furthermore, black males are often taught or trained to control their emotions internally towards exercises that stimulate minor frustration, although this does not emphasise the power that long term maladaptive, self destructive and life threatening (Gregory, S. 2007,p.386) consequences have above it all. An infant who is brought up in a dangerous neighbourhood, attended an unsafe school and dealt with racism is more prone to recognize feelings towards aggression and violence. Black men who have experienced a tragic event of a life threatening situation will want to be prepared if it ever happens again, this is why Gregory, S. discusses the use of carrying of a weapon. In most neighbourhoods today and schools, young teens will not walk around with knifes and use it as an excuse of security purposes, although in neighbourhoods where there are at least three people getting stabbed every day, these young kids want to feel safe. The college of New Jersey evaluated that males are more l ikely to carry a weapon than females, and a survey in 2007 showed that 27% of boys did carry a weapon (Gregory, S. 2007, p.369). Carrying a knife or a gun is a sign of security, despite its encouragement towards violent behaviours. A weapon stimulates the fight or flight response which is a decision you make when experiencing a dangerous situation. Is the individual going to walk away, or will he make a decision and fight. In a situation where someone is carrying a weapon, almost one hundred percent of the time if they feel secure enough to fight and win, the weapon is their support and will cause them to partake in this dangerous behaviour. Statistics show that in 1994, gun control accounted for approximately 1,700 Black youths aged ten to nineteen (Gregory, S. 2007, p 368). The following statistics tell us that most of crime is being committed at a young age by youth. Young children are the ones who are victimised, especially in schools in poor neighbourhoods and the fear they exp erience is unpleasant and it creates an awareness of danger. Hip Hop; a justifiable reason leading to hypermasculinity The third point, if not one of the most influential one in society influencing power, dominance and control is Hip Hop. As a whole Hip Hop has become a culture for most black African American men and this has brought up a new image of acceptable behaviours and hypermasculinity. Many video clips you watch or lyrics you read are not only full of vulgar language, but its always a battle over a girl, power or insulting someones mother. Rap has created a new lifestyle for young men, and also many role models like Eminem, 50 cent and Tupac. Luxury has also become a big part of status. Many African American men today believe that rap is a way to express their true black life. There are different kinds of rap music, this having an influence on different kind of behaviours that are being acted out in society. Rap is categorised using five different forms. Teacher-rap, nation conscious rap, gansta rap, player/lover rap, porno rap and last religious rap (DeReef,F.J. 2006). These different kinds of rap all influence different ideas from social commitment to struggle, romance, sexual aggressive behaviours and spirituality of Christianity and Islam. It is amazing to listen to a rap song and interpret all these different ideas, and thinks to yourself, how can a young fifteen or sixteen year old kid understand this. What is being said is sometimes due to a personal experience or the rap artist is expressing his feelings and or emotions. Media has shown violence to be a part of masculinity, that it has become a norm and is no longer deviance within society. Statistics show that one in four men will use violence against their partner, and eighty-five percent of murders are being committed by men. As one can witness sexuality, criminality and violence play a strong role as being partners. Hip Hop role models like Lil Wayne display high rates of criminality for young African American men, and also use violence and strength towards sexuality. Young males are being brain washed and influenced in regards to these being the real characteristics of men and its a direct justification for hypermasculine behaviours. Roots of slavery The 17th century African American slavery was devastating and today has become a part of history. Slaves were not entitles any equal rights compare to what other had. They were demanded to do hard labour work and were treated with cruelty. Slaves were working ridiculous amount of hours a day and werent even treated as human beings.These slaves were being sold as if they were commodities from city to city. Slaves were seen by many as a different class of people in society. Many slaves tried to fights their master although there was not much success as they would be arrested or sent somewhere else. Slavery today plays a role on how society view black males and how they view themselves compare to society. The word nigga The word nigga is a good example or a word that has different meanings and that has been re-appropriated in society depending on who uses it. The word nigga comes from the word nigger which was originally used to refer to black people. The word was also used in the time of slavery for the black who were trying to escape. Today many African American men use the word amongst each other like white people would use the word brother. Although if a white person were to use the word nigger it is seen as insulting and some African American men take it to the extreme of being offended they might even beat someone up. Nigger for the African American culture is a sign of self identity amongst one another and pride. It is a moment in time of history and they want to hold onto this. In the 1970 the word nigger was seen as racists, offensive and as early as today it is a word that many will refrain from using. Slavery and hypermasculinity Men have enslaved other men to show their mastery over them, and think it is a weakness to show or express their feelings towards other human beings. Patriarchal masculinity has caused problems that are so complex. Long after legal racial segregation ended ( Lips, 2001, p.2 ), it is still clear how the white society treats Black men. Unless close attention is being payed to little factors which make a difference; often Black men are referred to not as men but as boys (Lips, 2001, p.20). Black men lived through times where they were never given the same privileges as white men, and they always had to earn their masculinity, most of the time not feeling good about being a man. Black males were always viewed as inferior to other cultures and always had to prove themselves one way or another. They were always stereotypically related to drugs, poverty and violence. Black American youth during the period of black power to Hip Hop, were denied opportunities to exercise their citizenship; th is having an effect today, they dont want to fall back down beneath everyone. Being denied opportunities, rights and not able to achieve personal goals has stuck with the black society until today. Not only is being labelled black a mental damage, but creates physical aggression as well. It seems that an individual who has been constantly emasculated over the years would at least try to conform to the dominant culture in hope of their being some acknowledgment of acceptance. It has been proven throughout society especially in the United States, that growing up as a black male has been a tough process. Being a black male is a burden at times because some people see and think of me, and men like me, as menaces to society. The masculinity that has been a part of my life has been one that has been used to oppress others and oppress me (Clifford, A. 2006, and p.4). The status of poverty for African American youth is the one that is the most revealing. In 2001 among all American children under the age of eighteen, the poverty rate was sixteen percent, but it was three times as high for black children; 30 percent (Collins, H, P. 2006, p.3). Black youth are the ones who are affected the most by social problems. Increasing employment opportunities for African American males would be ideal, this would give them a better environment, better surroundings and influence them that they are like the rest of the society. This is also why many black males rape, because that act of aggression towards a women is a form of status in which they would use in a workplace which is often not available for them. In other words, having the right to work and live a normal life style, will affect them positively. Several African American men have shaped their understandings and realities based on the past and keep exercising those actions. Having a normal life style r emains a dream for many black youths living under the age of eighteen. The main problem that touches upon poverty is the ineffectiveness of political strategies that strive to resist it (Collins, H, P. 2006, p.9). The civil rights movement was the primary strategy to solve racial integration, although African American politics are trying new social challenges to meet old responses. Despite some accomplishment, African Americans are frustrated because they dont see anything opening up ahead of them and they are still dealing with high unemployment rates. Beyond social problems resulting to poverty, unemployment and lack of civil rights, masculinity today is a big part relating to the past. African American societies have developed strong personalities to prove who they are and what they are capable of. For instance when you look around today, you will see more black males working, neighbourhoods are less poor and opportunities and chances have been and are being given to black commun ities. Considering that young African American males occupy such a visible position within society, they have demonstrated a zero tolerance for race, nation, gender, age and sexuality (Collins, H, P. 2006). All these different aspects that influenced black men have created the drives towards manhood today. When black men were in slavery they were being ordered around and always given commands; comparing that to this new generations they are the ones who are in control, and for the most are the ones giving commands. Conclusion: The issue of hypermasculinity is one that is quite complex and a total solution cannot be found. Research has shown that African American men believe in proving themselves as real men; this leading to behaviours in which can no longer be controlled. These actions are being tolerated by society today especially for young black males. Sexual aggressivity, dominance and hypermasculinity are highly responded within the culture for a countless amount of reasons. Media is portraying false misinterpretations as to what it means to be masculine, there is always a constant pressure being brought upon black males which enforces violent and controlling behaviours and they are being accepted as normal. Thirdly, African American culture has such a strong influential past of slavery that their culture is looking at society through a different lens. Black male needs to accomplish giving themselves an identity that will cause them to be comfortable with themselves. Ideally black males should critically assess the dominant cultures norm of masculinity instead of reworking the norms to satisfy their social situation. Many black males have failed to see the problem of the dominant cultures norms of masculinity in their lives. Society in general has labelled black men as being dangerous, and regardless if you know the person or not before even speaking to many black men they fall into that category that they are violent, dangerous or a sex maniac. Society has enforced black males to feel this way and cause them to do things in which they shouldnt do. It has caused a psychological problem which is hard to erase. In no way do African American men believe they can show weakness, this would mean they are not men. Violence in the media is glorified, and is exposed to children of all ages. Police will not hesitate to use violence against s uspects, and these young black males are often the targets of violent behaviours in their neighbourhoods; drugs, rape, gang related fights or domestic violence.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Impact of Social Networking Sites on First Year Multimedia Arts Program

Introduction Today, young people around the world have been using social networking sites with their own different purposes. The main purpose of social networking sites is communication. It is likely believed that social networking sites have greatly improved communication especially for people who have their loved ones abroad. Some people spend most of their time on social networking sites, specifically Facebook and Twitter. Studies show that most young people or teenagers are addicted to these social networking sites. Needless to say, it is not healthy to spend most of our time on social networking sites, especially for teenagers who are supposedly using their time to study. As Coyne (2010) mentions in his research paper â€Å"It’s hard for most college students to remember a time before social networks. Half of Facebook’s 500 million users will log-in on any given day. On the same day 65 million tweets are sent. The last 10 years have witnessed major advancements in global commu nication. It appears fiction has become a reality.† Social networking sites can also affect social behavior. It can either improve or hinder an individual’s social behavior. In the Philippines, where most teenagers use social networking sites, such as Facebook covered 12 percent of all active users according to statistics. Most of these teenagers are dependent on social networking sites in engaging any kind of relationship with someone. It is often that an individual would be socially awkward in public if he/she is dependent on social networking sites and reluctant to personal interaction. Regardless of being so dependent on social networking sites, this may also improve an individual’s relationship with one another. As said by Boyd (2007), internet... ...ocial Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 13(1) Coyne, E. (2010). http://ecoyne.blogspot.com/ Haythornthwaite, C. (1996). Social network analysis: An approach and technique for the study of information exchange. Library and Infor ¬mation Science Research, 18, 323-342. Kuppuswamy and Shankar. (2012). http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/jul07/reid_grey.shtml Ruffes, V. (2010). http://jhands.wordpress.com/2010/12/08/social-networking-research- paper/ Sundà ©n, (2003). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 13(1) Trusov, M., Bucklin, R.E., Pauwels, K. (2009). http://www.emeraldinsight.com/bibliographic_databases.htm?id=1819982 Wiley and Sisson (2006). http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1279&context=gradco nf_hospitality

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Injustice in the Adversarial System Essay

Donald Black discussed in his book The Behavior of Law, when a society begins to grow and become more complex so does its legal system. The United States uses a system that may no longer be fit for handling all the complex problems it is faced with. Society has come to learn through the justice system that truth is very hard to find. The nature of the adversarial process may prevent it from reaching the true goal of every legal system: justice. This writing argues that the system in place now is not the correct one for the stage society is in now. The adversarial process in place does not search for the core values of â€Å"Justice† and â€Å"Truth†; its inadequacies create errors in the legal system. The legal system should abolish its value of â€Å"winning at all cost† and the methods it uses to achieve this outcome. This paper will not only shed light on the flaws in the legal system, but present other structures that may be better suited for the present stage of society. Blueprint A few brief critiques of the adversarial process include that during a trial procedure both sides are given the opportunity to present facts to the jury or judge, this allows attorneys to withhold evidence and benefit the side they represent. This confuses the courts instead of elucidating the truth. Cases such as this should not be able to come to a guilty or not guilty verdict, because guilt cannot be proven with a degree of accuracy (Meadow, 1996). Stratification in law does lead to inequality and perpetuates injustice in society. The procedure that is used in our criminal justice system has the ability to lead to a false confession and create mistrust in the system. Bias in our legal system does lead to injustice. All of these factors do create injustice in our legal system by sending innocent people to prison and/or by letting convicted felons free. There are many theories in how to solve the problems with the adversarial process and the legal system in general, but society must change the way it reasons before anything can truly change. History of Common Law and the Adversarial Process To better understand the adversarial process it must first explain through its history and origins. Common law practice developed the adversarial process; England adopted common law and made its practice known throughout the world. Legislators began codifying the law, this later became common law. It was written so that it could be interpreted by the court system. When the courts make a decision in how that law is to be applied it is preserved, and able to be used as a guideline for other cases of the same nature. This proved to be a problem, decisions made by judges were based on the customs of the time period, which became rigid and did not easily allow for change (Cantor, 1997). The English form of common law prohibited representation in court however, during the eighteenth century some courts where beginning to allow legal representation in English common law. Eventually as time progressed, the role legal representation, lawyers, would grow and be more influential in society. The part the Lawyers played in the court system would eventually be the aspect that separated the adversarial process implemented today in the United States from the processes in England. Law became more and more complex so the use of lawyers or professionals of the law was essential in American law making. New research by Randolph N. Jonakait, New York Law School professor, suggests that the United States adopted an adversarial process that somewhat resembled the English model at the time. Besides the already mention use of lawyers, the U.S differed greatly from England, during the 18th century; America had prosecution with a public defender present in the court room compared to no legal representation for the accused in the English model. Also in New Jersey around the same time period, attorneys usually appeared for the prosecution and the defense which in England was rarely practiced. These findings demonstrate that the United States was a forerunner in the creation of the adversarial process that is present today (Jonakait, 2009). Search for Truth: Lawyers and Their Tactics One of the main concepts of the adversarial system is the oppositional presentation of facts. The belief behind this is it will discover all truths to the matter. This leads to the conclusion of the first flaw: that realistically everyone involved in the case is not in search of the truth. â€Å"Lawyers are more apt to hide the evidence that is not favorable to their side regardless of whether it would prove the innocence or guilt of the person on trial† (Schroeder, 2012). Clients hire lawyers to win; the economic state of the client is directly related to the skill level of the lawyer they can afford. Lawyers who are more expensive will use any tactics necessary to ensure a win. The search for truth is not a key value; it’s keeping your client pleased, being the defendant or the state. Attorneys are known to use questionable tactics so that they have the best possibility of winning their case. These tactics include: creating doubt in the jury of guilt or innocence, or even by hiding evidence from the jurors. The search for truth and the execution of justice cannot be fully performed if lawyers proceed to use unethical tactics. Solutions to the Hiding of Evidence A purposed solution to hiding evidence can be demonstrated with a value demonstrated from the inquisitorial system, everyone in the court room works together in search for the truth and justice. The judges, or investigative magistrate, are trained in their profession, taking specific schooling about law making them a vital resource to the legal system. While court is proceeding the judge is allowed to ask questions to keep a case in order. Using a system that does not glorify winning would help the hindering of evidence and other tactics being eradicated form the court room. Although, one flaw with this system is the judge is granted too much power and control over the proceeding, more justice is still found here searching for truth. Stratification in Law It is proven that â€Å"once arrested, black and minority defendants are fare worse in the criminal justice system than their white counter parts† (Westervely & Humphrey, 115, 2008). This is due to racial stratification in law and a bias based on race in convictions. Instrumentalist would say law is used to dominate groups, and is structured so that it can benefit certain groups by disadvantaging other groups, by allowing this to happen it perpetuates inequality (Bucher, 2012). Many minorities are unable to pay for legal representation; in this situation the courts provide representation for them. This disadvantages minority individuals in low social class because they lack resources to secure a good lawyer, while high social status clients are able to easily obtain skilled lawyers. This perpetuates stratification because upper class individuals can evade the penalties of the legal system, unlike lower class individuals who cannot afford strong legal representation (Vago, 2012). Marxist theorists would confirm that laws serve the interest of the upper class, and because they use them like a tool, keep the upper class in power. This reinforces inequality in society through the criminal justice system, because the upper class will always be able to have access to more resources they will also always use those resources against the lower class (Bucher, 2012). Process in Criminal Justice Is Justice Served? The pressure felt in a case created by media and the public eye have the ability to cause investigations to be sped up. The endangers the adversarial process to make mistakes and possibly out of convenience and pressure convict the first person they think committed the crime. Once police officers make an arrest they tend to not pursue any other possible leads until the person they have in custody is proven to be innocent. This hurts the search for truth because officers become close minded and search only for evidence to convict that individual. Another factor that can deter the search for truth is false confessions. False confessions, among other factors, are commonly created due to unethical interrogation tactics or confused eye witnesses testimony. â€Å"A confession is one of the most powerful pieces of evidence that can be presented in court† (Westervely & Humphrey, 36, 2008). Even if the confession is false, juries have been known to take into consideration testimony even when told not to. False confessions are usually given by suspects who are coerced, confused, have doubt in-self, or shame. All this can be attributed to the psychological games used by interrogators, intentional or unintentional (Gudjonsson, 1992). Can true justice be served when police use unethical tactics to get their confession? This is a question scholars who study ethics have pondered with for decades. Bias in Law There are many principles to consider when a jury is deciding a verdict. Racial beliefs, media and number of factors can influence a jury’s verdict (David F. Hall, 1984). Since each individual interprets the process of the trial differently it greatly influences the decision of case. The way society is socialized leads to certain bias to people of different races, genders, sexuality, and backgrounds. These factors greatly influence a cases outcome, even though lawyers are allowed to select their jury it is impossible to know each person individually (Albonetti and Hagan, 1982). In common law, legislature creates the laws that are written down and left for interpretation by the judges of the court, this is called statutory interpretation (Bucher, 2012). The strength of this system of law is the ability that law has to change; downfall is that it leaves room for bias in the interpretation of law. Some scholars suggest that law and the legal system is patriarchal. The feminist legal theory suggests that the legal system is male dominated and perpetuates gender discrimination (Bucher, 2012). Language can be biased in law; the United States suffers from this weakness. In the Declaration of Independence biased language is evident. â€Å"All Men Are Created Equal† a line from the Declaration of independence has brought forth discussion and conflict because of biases behind the words. Women have fought for their rights to be considered equal because society takes the patriarchal documents literal, progress is slowly made. Everything, including law, can be interpreted differently, making the judge’s job detrimental to the court process. The discretion of the authority in the court system, although important, also creates inconsistency in the legal system. African Americans account for 49.4 percent of the 1.3 million Americans in prison (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Two different theories can explain the bias in society that explains the high population of African Americans. These theories are the Individual Explanation Theory and the Structural Explanation Theory. Individual Explanation Theory This theory focuses on the behavior and traits of those involved in a trial. Racism is a factor in explaining why an innocent person is tried. This happens because the adversarial system does not focus on searching for the truth and allows the jury to makes a decision on beliefs and prejudices of a certain race. Stereotyping is also included when a jury convicts someone on account of preconceived notions of a group (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). Structural Explanation Theory This theory provides two explanations for the bias. The first is the Blalocks Power-Threat Hypothesis. The hypothesis states that the increase in minority conviction is due to whites trying to keep power and control over minority races by disadvantaging them. The second explanation states that the treatment of minorities in the criminal justice system is a reflection of societal beliefs. â€Å"Equality in the criminal justice system is not possible until everything else is equal† (Westervely & Humphrey, 128, 2008). Plea-Bargains and its deficiencies Due to the amount of offenders that go through the U.S. court systems prosecutors are more likely to use plea-bargains to settle cases quickly. â€Å"It is estimated that roughly 90-95 percent of all criminal convictions are arrived through plea–bargains† (Vago, 118). This tactic can be linked to stratification and inequality, when a person on trial does not have the finances for a good lawyer the assumption is that they will lose. This makes a plea-bargain more appealing, as it is the best option to avoid a longer sentence (Kipnis, 1976). â€Å"The Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants summarized the state of representation as follows: â€Å"Overall, there is abundant evidence in this report that defense services for the poor are inadequately funded. As a result, millions of persons who have a constitutional right to counsel are denied effective legal representation†Ã¢â‚¬  (Mosteller, 2011). This is another factor to cause change in the legal system so that truth can properly be found. The ability to plea-guilty hinders the search for truth and justice. In the inquisitorial system guilty pleas and plea-bargaining are not allowed so that the system can properly search for the truth. It does not give the accused rights, unlike the United States. While in the United States the adversarial process gives the accused the ability to plead guilty for a lesser sentence which some would consider â€Å"soft† on crime. In the adversarial process after a confession is given, the investigation is typically over even if the individual is innocent. In the inquisitorial system a confession is not warranted since it is the duty of the court to come up with evidence and prove guilt (Berger, 1972). Injustice With all this bias in our legal system this gives room for errors in justice. â€Å"An error in justice is any departure from an optimal outcome of justice for a criminal case† (Frost, 2004). There are two types of errors that can be described: systematic and random. Systematic is when there is an error within the law that consistently creates injustice. When a law is in enacted and it oppresses a certain group consistently this is systematic injustice. Random errors are created while criminal justice officials are enforcing the law and the error is sporadic (Frost, 2004). Both of these can create errors of due process, which is when the rights of the accused are violated. The first error is miscarriage of justice; an example of this is when an innocent man is convicted of a crime. The second type of error of due process is error of impunity, when an error in the procedure of due process is committed and as a result guilty convict is set free. Both of these do create great mistrust in the legal system and deter people from getting involved within its legal processes (Sherman, 2002). This can lead to what Black was suggesting when he stated that law will shift back to a more primitive family based form of sanctions, because of mistrust in the authority that was supposed to protect them. Change With new understandings of societal factors (race, gender, sexuality) the adversarial system needs to be revised so that it aids the search for truth or it will be blinded by these factors. Society has grown complex and so has its problems with in the legal system. The courts must come up with different resolutions for crimes and convictions, not just a â€Å"one size fits all solution†. In essence the adjudication system is not wrong, but the misuse of evidence and human error leads to mistakes. One might ask should we change the adversarial system entirely or fix the many flaws within the system. The current process being used relies on the state (prosecutor) to determine if the court should or shouldn’t present the evidence accumulated from the crime, or if that would benefit the accused in some way. All evidence should be given to a neutral party, such as the court, and have the court system decide what should be done. This would remove the ability of the prosecutor to hide facts that could be essential to the investigation (Westervely & Humphrey, 2008). In an ideal system the court should base their decision after learning all the facts, without any evidence withheld from either side. There can be a mixture of different processes, which can better achieve justice in a complex society. For example, a different process would be needed to determine if a dangerous criminal is guilty than that of finding parental rights. Forms such as the inquisitorial investigation, mediation, private problem-solving, group negotiating processes could be used to search for truth. Conclusion The adversarial systems values do not match what the goals of the system should be. In the ideal system restorative and rehabilitation justice would be utilized to the fullest in order to help the people going through the criminal justice process learn and become productive members of society. Society’s beliefs are that of retribution and vengeance. Society as a whole wants to see criminals punished for crimes that they feel where committed upon them. To completely change the beliefs of the criminal justice system, society needs to change its values from retribution and vengeance, to a form of justice that will help society instead of looking for revenge. Values in the criminal justice system represent what that society believes in. The belief in winning shouldn’t be enforced, like the adversarial process has done, because it does not accomplish what the main goal of the criminal justice system is: to provide justice to the citizens of the country the system serves, along with the search for truth. The values of rehabilitation and restoration should be the foundation on which we build our new system. If this is done than our society will begin to help its self in creating a strong nation that is just and true. References Albonetti, Celesta and Hagan, John. Race, Class, and the Perception of Criminal Injustice in America. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 2 (Sep., 1982), pp. 329-355 Berger, Moise. The Case Against Plea-Bargaining. American Bar Association Journal. Vol 62.pg621.(1972) Black, Donald. The Behavior of Law. The University of Michigan, Academic Press. 1976 Bucher, Jacob. Law and Society. Lectures. Baker University. 2012 Cantor, Norman F. Imagining the law: Common law and the foundations of the American legal system. HarperCollins Publishers (New York). 1997. David F. Hall et al., Post event Information and Changes in Recollection for a Natural Event, in Eyewitness Testimony: Psychological Perspectives124 (Gary L. Wells & Elizabeth F. Loftus eds., 1984) Frost, Brian. Errors of Justice: Nature, Sources, and Remedies. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge.2004. Gudjonsson, Gisli H. The psychology of interrogations, confessions and testimony. Wiley series in psychology of crime, policing and law. Oxford, England: John Wiley & Sons. (1992). xii 362 pp. Humphrey, John A. & Westervely, Saundra D. Wrongly Convicted: Perspectives on Failed Justice. Rutgers State University Press. 2008 Jonakait, Randolph N. The Rise of the American Adversary System: American Before England. New York Law School. Widner Law Review. V14.2009. Kipnis, Kenneth. Criminal Justice and the Negotiated Plea. The University of Chicago Press. Ethics , Vol. 86, No. 2 (Jan., 1976), pp. 93-106 Meadow, Carrie M. The Trouble with the Adversarial System in a Postmodern, Multicultural World. William and Mary Law Review. V.38. 1996. Merrill B. Hintikka & Jaakko Hintikka, How Can Language Be Sexist?, in Discovering Reality, supra note 31, at 139. Mosteller, Robert P. Failures of the American Adversarial System to Protect the Innocent and Conceptual Advantages in the Inquisitorial Design for Investigative Fairness.2011. University of North Carolina School of Law. Sherman, Lawrence W. Trust and Confidence in Criminal Justice. NIJ Journal, March (2002): 23-31. Vago, Steven. Law and Society. Pearson Education, Practice Hall.2012.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Environmental Costs of Cotton

The Environmental Costs of Cotton Chances are that on any given day we wear some clothing items made of cotton, or sleep in cotton sheets, yet few of us know how it is grown, or what are  the environmental impacts of cotton cultivation. Where Is Cotton Grown? Cotton is a fiber grown on a plant of the Gossypium genus, which once harvested can be cleaned and spun into fabrics used most commonly for linens and clothing. Needing sunshine, abundant water, and relatively frost-free winters, cotton is grown in a surprising variety of location with diverse climates, including  Australia, Argentina, West Africa, and Uzbekistan. However, the largest producers of cotton are China, India, and the United States. Both Asian countries produce the most, mostly for their domestic markets, and the US is the largest exporter of cotton with about 10 million bales a year. In the United States cotton production is mostly concentrated in an area called the Cotton Belt, stretching from the lower Mississippi River through an arc spanning the lowlands of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Irrigation allows additional acreage in the Texas Panhandle, in southern Arizona, and in California’s San Joaquin Valley. Chemical Warfare Globally, 35 million hectares of cotton are under cultivation. To control the numerous pests feeding on the cotton plant  farmers have long relied on heavy application of insecticides, which leads to the pollution of surface and groundwater. In developing countries cotton growers use a full half of the pesticides used in agriculture. Recent advancements in technology, including the ability to modify the cotton plant’s genetic material, have made cotton toxic to some of its pest. This reduced but did not eliminate the need for insecticides. Farm workers, particularly where the labor is less mechanized, continue to be exposed to harmful chemicals. Competing weeds are another threat to cotton production; generally tilling practices and herbicides are used to knock back weeds. A large number of farmers have adopted genetically modified cotton seeds that include a gene protecting it from the herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup). That way, the fields can be sprayed with the herbicide when the plant is young, easily eliminating competition from weeds.   Naturally, glyphosate ends up in the environment, and our knowledge of its effects on soil health, aquatic life, and wildlife is far from complete. Another issue is the emergence of glyphosate resistant weeds. This is an especially important concern for those farmers interested in following no-till practices, which normally help preserve the soil structure and reduce erosion. Reliance on glyphosate resistance makes it more difficult to control weeds without turning the soil. Especially problematic in the southeast US is Palmer’s amaranth pigweed, a fast growing glyphosate resistant weed. Synthetic Fertilizers Conventionally grown cotton requires the heavy use of synthetic fertilizers. Such concentrated application means much of it ends up in waterways, creating one of the worst nutrient pollution problems globally, upending aquatic communities and leading to dead zones starved of oxygen and devoid of aquatic life. In addition, synthetic fertilizers contribute an important quantity of greenhouse gases during their production and use. Heavy Irrigation In many regions rainfall is insufficient to grow cotton but the deficit can be made up by irrigating the fields with water from nearby rivers or from wells. Wherever it comes from, the water withdrawals can be so massive that they diminish river flows significantly and deplete groundwater. Two thirds of India’s cotton production is irrigated with groundwater. In the United States, western cotton farmers too rely on irrigation. Obviously, one could question the appropriateness of growing a non-food crop in arid portions of California and Arizona during the current multi-year drought. In the Texas Panhandle, cotton fields are irrigated by pumping water from the Ogallala Aquifer. Spanning eight states from South Dakota to Texas, this vast underground sea of ancient water is being drained for agriculture far faster than it can recharge. In northwest Texas, Ogallala groundwater levels have dropped over 8 feet between 2004 and 2014. Perhaps the most dramatic overuse of irrigation water is visible in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, where the Aral Sea declined in surface area by 85%. Livelihoods, wildlife habitats, and fish populations have been decimated. To make matters worse the now dry salt and pesticide residues are blown away from the former fields and lake bed, increasing the frequency of miscarriages and malformations among the 4 million people who live downwind. Another negative consequence of heavy irrigation is soil salination. When fields are repeatedly flooded with irrigation water, salt becomes concentrated near the surface. Plants can no longer grow on these soils and agriculture has to be abandoned. Salination has happened on a large scale in much of the former cotton fields of Uzbekistan. Are There Environmentally Friendly Alternatives? To grow environmentally friendlier cotton, a first step must be to reduce the use of dangerous  pesticides. This can be achieved through different means. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an established, effective method of fighting pests which results in a net reduction in pesticides used. According to the World Wildlife Fund, using IPM saved some of India’s cotton farmers 60 to 80% in pesticide use.  Genetically-modified cotton can also help reduce pesticide application, but with many caveats.   In its simplest form growing cotton in a  sustainable manner  means planting it where rainfall is sufficient, avoiding irrigation altogether. In areas with marginal irrigation needs, drip irrigation offers important water savings. Organic farming takes into consideration all aspects of cotton production, leading to much reduced environmental impacts and better health outcomes for the farm workers and the surrounding community.  A well-recognized organic certification program helps consumers making smart choices, and protects them from greenwashing. One such third-party certification organization is  the Global Organic Textile Standards. Sources World Wildlife Fund. 2013. Cleaner, Greener Cotton: Impacts and Better Management Practices.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“The World is Flat” Essay Example

â€Å"The World is Flat† Essay Example â€Å"The World is Flat† Paper â€Å"The World is Flat† Paper Name: Course: Instructor: Date: Book report on â€Å"The World is Flat† 1. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Friedman is an elaborate work, which provides the effects of globalization in the 21 century. The term â€Å"the world is flat† is used metaphorically and is used to indicate the dire need for level playing ground for global commerce and business. A level playing ground for commerce is essential in that it provides the competitors with similar market conditions for growth of commerce. Additionally, the term â€Å"the world is flat† is an indication of the increasing irrelevance of geographic and social boundaries in the world (Friedman, pp. 41). Hence, organizations in the contemporary business setting are increasing their competitiveness and profitability using aspects such a technology and globalization to enhance their cause in achievement of global competitiveness. The author provides that he as an advocate for liberalization of markets to result in global free trade. He also provides criticism to states around the world resisting the changes in terms of global commerce and business. The book is based on individual research, individual reflections and conversations with the public. Friedman provides that there are ten flatteners of the world which aid in making the business and commerce fair for all organizations in the world. The first flattener is collapse of The Berlin Wall in September 11 1989. The author describes in the book that, â€Å"When the walls came down, and the windows came up.† (Friedman, pp. 45). It symbolized the end of the cold war and gave way for people from either sides of the wall to engage in rebuilding the society and economies as well as engage in constructive commerce. In essence the fall of the Berlin war was an indication of the end of communism and paved way for technological changes such the increased use of personal computers for interactions and use in commerce. Technological advancements peaked during this period resulting in the introduction of new products such as Windows, personal computers, word processing, dial up modems and standards tools for communication such as global telephone communication system. Such have e nhanced globalization through improved channels for communication. The entry of Netscape into the field of technology was a main flattener in that the firm instigated the access of the internet to a larger part of the population. Netscape enhanced access to the internet from the previous restrictions, which only provided limited numbers of people with access to the internet. This is essential in that it played a significant role in the process of digitization. Products such as music, files, pictures and word documents could be easily accessed from the internet and manipulated by people in the various parts of the world. Hence, the internet has enabled interactions from a global perspective thus increasing commerce from a global perspective. The development of Netscape and its entry into the digital market provided a precedent in terms of digital and other technological advancements around the world. It resulted in the development of the fourth flattener, which is workflow software. This is defined in the book as the interactions of machines without the involvement of human beings. This according to Friedman would provide the world with a new means of interaction through the creation of a new platform for collaboration. In addition, this would also lead to the fourth flattener, which is open sourcing. This is made possible by the presence of an elaborate platform for collaboration of the various online projects. Such include the present online platforms such as Wikipedia, online softwares and blogs. This according to Friedman is, â€Å"the most disruptive force of them all† (Friedman, pp. 53). The fifth flattener is outsourcing which allowed modern day companies to delegate or split activities such as services and manufacturing. This is essential for companies in that they are able to achieve efficiency and costs effectiveness of costs reductions using such approaches. The sixth flattener according to Friedman is offshoring, which the author defines as the ability of organizations to take advantages of incentives provided by other countries necessitating the relocation as a means for cost reduction. Entry of countries into the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has facilitated increased competition in an increasingly competitive world. This is because of the need by such countries to encourage trade in their respective territories with incentives such as lower taxes and operating costs. In addition, offshoring as provided in the book has allowed for the seventh flattener, which is described as supply chaining by Friedman. Supply chaining has increased because of offshoring and collaboration. Supply chaining is widely used by multinational entities in that they focus on diversity of markets to increase profitability and reduce the potency for risks. He points out that successful companies such as Wal-Mart provides an elaborate example for attainment of competitive advantage through diversification, clear lines of supply and distribution of products and services to the customers. The eighth flattener is in-sourcing which entails the execution of services on behalf of other organizations. This enables other entities to reduce their costs of operation as well as increasing the revenues of the entity executing the services for another organisation. The ninth flattener is in-forming, which is the increased ability of the society or people to find information with ease, which is aided and provided by the internet through the various search engines. The last flattener is what Friedman defines as â€Å"the Steroids† which comprises of the modern digital products such as cellular telephones, Personal Digital Assistants., Instant Messengers, iPods and voice Over Internet Protocols. From the ten identified flatteners, it is expressly evident technology has been a major driver towards the achievement of globalization and realization of â€Å"flattening† in Friedman’s words. 2. The â€Å"flattening† of the world has been an inevitable phenomenon in the modern society (Friedman, pp. 61). This is because of the technological advancements evidenced in the modern society through the presence numerous changes in the social interactions as well as in the world of commerce. In addition, it is also evident that commerce and technology have become mutually reliant on each other for relevance. Electronic commerce is evidently increasing in that it has assumed a great position in the society by enabling the society to achieve globalization. Electronic commerce is defined as the sale and procurement of goods and services using information technology systems. Literature provides that there are three specific waves of electronic commerce. This include putting up market information on the world wide web, allowing online orders in terms of sales and purchases and construction of electronic means of exchanges for funds and provision of means for receipt of goods and services. Essentially technology and the related advancements are currently the largest used channels of communication. This is because of the numerous avenues for communication by the internet. This has been a driver of growth in that it has enabled business around the world to assume global expansion strategies as well as accrual of benefits such increased efficiencies and reduced costs of operation. Modern day technology in comparison to traditional technology used in business is different in entirety. This is evidenced by the large-scale application of technology-based products in the execution of tasks in the contemporary organisation. Technology advancements have aided the development of new products, services and new approaches to satisfy the consumer needs and wants as well as providing consumers with profound experiences thus subsequently cultivating customer loyalty. Technology and the internet are the highlights of modern day advancements. They enable simultaneous execution of numerous tasks delegated in an organisation. Hence, an organisation is able to use technology and related products for costs reductions in processes and activities in the organisation. Cost reduction is considered as one of the greatest challenges in the management of an organisation. This is because costs are usually brought about by either necessary or unnecessary processes or activities in the organisation. Technology has been a driver in terms of organizational practices assumed by contemporary organizations (Friedman, pp. 63). Innovation and creativity are also strong points for any organization. This enables an organisation to achieve competitive advantage brought about by new products, services and new approaches in terms of execution of tasks in the organisation. Hence, majority of corporations around the world, if not all corporations around the world, have undertaken the incorporation of electronic commerce as a means of diversifying the market access. The internet provides both individuals and corporations and the society with numerous economic opportunities in an era marked with declining employment and revenue opportunities for individuals and corporations respectively. It provides for intermediation and disintermediation, frictionless commerce and trade, competitive pricing strategies assumed by an organisation and personalized sales and marketing for the consumers. Disintermediation and intermediation arise from need to decrease and increase the value chain especially in respect to the sale or market for soft goods. Disintermediation allows for the reduction of the value chain in specific instances such as the sale of soft goods such as music and files. Majority of this genre of products are sold via the internet. This is good for an economy in that it ensure the reduction in prices of commodities and resulting in subsequent increase in demand of the commodities. It essentially reduces the costs for the producers and the customers. Customer costs are reduced by their ability access goods and services form the comfort of their homes and offices. In addition, it reduces the costs of operation for the producers in that the line of distribution is shortened which also includes the reduction of possible intermediaries who increase costs of services and goods (Friedman, pp. 60). The time for access of goods and services is reduced because of the elimination of intermediaries such as retailers and wholesalers. This is because the producer is involved in direct contact with the consumers. Direct channels of communication are paramount in such relationships between the consumer and the producer in that they provide the consumers with an avenue to air their complaints in terms of the ability of the products or services to provide satisfaction of needs and wants. On the other hand, re-intermediation is brought about in that; the connection with intermediaries such as brokers, wholesalers and retailers provides an organisation with access to a specific market segment. This is essential in that organizations are able to increase their diversity in terms of access o new markets and consumer segments. This provides organizations with the much-needed avenues for improving service delivery to the consumers in the market (Friedman, pp. 69). Commercial opportunities in the internet are available to both organizations and individuals seeking to start enterprises. Frictionless commerce is usually attractive for both the customer and the organisation. This is because it provides mediums, which ensure minimal contact between the customer and the seller. Organizations could use the internet by using approaches, which would ensure that they are able to increase their profitability and levels of competitiveness. Increasing skills and knowledge as it relates to functions in an organisation with respect to technological advancements is paramount in contemporary organizations. Organizations could ensure that they have access to highly qualified individuals with employee programs such as training and development of employees in preparation for the technological changes, which have been gradually changing market conditions and commerce in general. Traditional commerce has been embedded in friction, which arises from issues such as costs of finding partners, costs of gathering information about products and consumers and the costs of establishing customer trust and loyalty. For achievement of frictionless commerce, there is paramount need for individuals in business as well as corporations to ensure they have adequate and perfect information about consumer needs, wants and their respective markets of operation. Organizations could ensure that they have adequate information about the pricing strategies and trends used in a given market. This allows for preparations by an organisation with the aim of ensuring that they maximize their revenues. Pricing strategies should be made with respect tom the demand and supply of goods and services issued by an organisation in its respective market of operation. Miscalculations about pricing of services and goods in a market would be a costly mistake for an organisation (Friedman, pp. 77). Organizations and business people could also take advantage of the technological advancements and ensure their survival using personalized marketing approaches provided by an organisation. Personalized marketing is essential in the contemporary business settings as it provides the organisation with an avenue of attracting potentially loyal consumers of its products and services. Customer trust and loyalty is usually based on the satisfaction of the consumer needs and wants and the provision of the customer with a profound customer experience. Hence, an organisation should be able to invest in marketing approaches, which ensure attraction of new customers. In addition, this could be enhanced by research and development of new products and services in the market. Research and development is paramount for organizations, which aim at achievement of their strategic goals and objectives. Research and development could entail research on new products, strategies, and markets’ viability. This provides the organisation with the much-needed precise information about issues, which relate to the achievement of its strategic goals and objectives. Organizational functions are usually driven by the need to increase profitability through understanding the consumer needs and wants. Understanding the consumer needs and wants is essential in that it provides the organisation with information such as the current and future consumer trends. Such information provides the organisation with information, which could be used in planning and budgeting to ensure the satisfaction of the consumer needs and wants (Friedman, pp. 89). Conclusively customer focus could be achieved with use of technology systems. An organisation usually exists because of the presence of customer who are purchasers of the organization’s services and products. Additionally, organizations could ensure their presence in the internet and provide for electronic payments and the subsequent deliveries of products. such usually provides security to the consumer that he or she is able to get additional value for the services and products purchased from an organisation. Special focus on consumer needs and wants ensures that an organisation has perfect information about the consumer needs, wants and preferences; resulting in the development of goods and services which are sufficient for the consumers in their efforts of satisfaction of their needs and wants.