
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Taekwondo 1

Taekwondo and Tao Te ChingPracticing military art goes further than involveing a number of techniques applyd to fight the enemy . Each soldierly(a) art has a doctrine and intragroup filling , which friends large number to learn non sole(prenominal) physical techniques , but excessively grow and get up spiritually . For me , Taekwondo has become that very conspiracy of physical exercises and philosophy that helpers me to understand the world around me get around . cosmos an oriental person marital art Taekwondo is based on the oriental way of thinking , worship and philosophy . I recall that many ides found in the basic textual affair of Taoism called Tao Te Ching perfectly correspond to the ideas we learn in taekwondo . philosophic principles applied in Taekwondo can be mapd for both(prenominal) , eruditeness a bility and body . This martial art helps to train fountainhead and gives it new understanding of people and things around . Physical exercises help to train the bodyTaoism is a native Chinese philosophy and devotion , which appeared in the 6 century BC . Lao Tsu and Zhuanzu explicit views opposing to those of Confucius . Lao Tsu verbalized his philosophical and religions credo in Tao Te Ching , which became the central text of Daoism . The principles of non-action and emptiness taken from Tao Te Ching are the core principles of Daoism . Non-action , the core principle of Tao Te engagement is not that type of non-action as most of the Western book of facts would perceive it Lao Tsu speaks about that kind of non-action , when being undetermined to everything that happens around him , a person lets things happen Non-action deals with the trust , which is champion of the basic principles of taekwondo . Under trust we understand trust to the founding and obedience to the t hings which happened around you . So , we ca! n see that non-action pull back in Tao Te Ching reflects one of the basic principles of TaekwondoGod is not expressed by any concrete figure in Tao Te Ching . Any creature , which possesses God s nature stand in the side of righteousness .
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These ideas can be linked to courtroom , which is an important part of taekwondo . Spiritual Daoism includes sacrifices to different spirits , the use of amulets to control them . All these tendencies are reflected in the philosophy of taekwondo at the early stages of its development . Daoism underlines the importance of self-perfection and self-development . Lao Tsu is rather doubting about virtues , such as morality , proclaimed by Confucius . Self-perfection and self-development are among the core values of taekwondo . People , who practice this martial art try not lonesome(prenominal) to become physically strong , but also want to develop a deeper understanding of the main principles of the UniverseTaoism is a teaching of Tao - the essence of everything . Tao is the only thing , for which should strike all the living beings . Lao Tsu does not describe Taoism as a mere application of rules . For him it broadly consist sof following the national nature and looking for inner truth instead of looking for the appreciation of the societyThe True mortal avoids extremesself-indulgence , and extravagance...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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